Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You know what really gets me sometimes? The lack of respect that customer service guys and gals get. Because customer service staff and how your customers are treated is HUGE. Maybe the most important thing in a business. Don’t believe me? Well, think on this… Read More
Many new business believe having a website will automatically mean instant traffic. This is not the case at all! To increase traffic to your website you require Internet Marketing and SEO (search engine optimisation). In the past, many years ago now, to get ranked on Google all you needed was SEO, Read More
Every year, a few businesses make bad decisions or mistakes publicly. Sometimes they recover quickly and no one notices. Other times, the blunders are nothing short of newsworthy. We’ve gathered up some of the worst fails of 2014 and included some helpful tips on how to avoid them yourself. Read More
When you first roll out a new marketing campaign, it’s easy to feel like the excitement and momentum will continue forever. Unfortunately, you can’t hunker down with a single campaign for the long haul. Eventually, even the best campaigns lose steam and need an overhaul. Read More
Join iContact and email marketing expert, John Hayes, for a webinar on January 29th from 1pm-2pm EST. Learn why email marketing will thrive in 2015 and well into the future. Read More

Why Do We Hate Salespeople?

Avatar Posted by cbrendlinger under Management
From 3535 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on January 26, 2015 4:35 am
Why does the perception of the sales profession generate a negative emotional response? I know many business owners who loathe their own salespeople, and regard managing them as a necessary evil. Executive assistants are commonly charged with “Don’t let any salespeople get through to me.” Read More
A blog is the place then to make a good first impression. You don’t have very long to grab the attention of the reader and if you don’t, then you’re going to see a high bounce rate, nobody bothering to sign up to your newsletter and no leads. So what makes a good blog? How can you ensure that your Read More

The Hunger Games Guide To SEO

Avatar Posted by veron under Online Marketing
From 3535 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on January 24, 2015 6:54 pm
Hey, welcome to a post like you’ve never read.

Don’t you love those titles… you know, that the moment you see them you instantly know it’d be the best read?

Well, this is one of those articles… just read on. Read More
So you understand the value of connecting with influencers, but you’re not sure how.

Like most people, you probably rush to the big three

Linking to them in a post
Sending them an email
Commenting on their blog

While these are all well and good and have their purpose, their a Read More
Cendrine Calls Out Curation Naysayers!
… in which Brooke sticks the landing for a perfect ten (at least when it comes to pronouncing our guest’s name)!

Meet Cendrine Marrouat (Brooke’s notes on pronunciation: Son-dreen Marh-wah)
Cendrine (her notes on pronunciation:“san-drEEn mar-wah”) is quit Read More

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