Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Sticky social situations can unglue the surest business deal. Here’s how to make sure they don’t. Read More
The first question to ask when planning a direct mail campaign is: “Who am I going to mail to?” You have to know your audience before you can determine your message or design your mailing. Read on to find out how to create a segmented customer list. Read More
One could say that being an intern could be the worst and lowest possible position you can get in a company. (If you can even call itJOB position. After all, interns are still technically in school.) And since it’s been some time since school started, what are the odds of running into interns durin Read More

Solo Smarts #105: Can You Be Fit When You Sit

Avatar Posted by kellymccausey under Self-Development
From 3657 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on September 23, 2014 11:03 am
Many of us are behind a desk and looking at a computer for a living. We sit for long periods of time. Sitting can cause numerous health problems. If you live a sedentary lifestyle you will benefit from this podcast. Learn how to get fit and stay fit even if you have a sitting job. Read More

The end of sales and marketing as we know it [video]

Avatar Posted by michaelhartzell under Sales
From 3658 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on September 23, 2014 11:30 am
Sales people are avoided, marketing departments fill a void with hype or pretty pictures and the real power of influence has moved to people in the street. As buyers gain more power with better resources and rely less on marketing messages or sales people, what is the magic bullet for growing busin Read More
Are you generating tons of leads but having trouble nurturing them into sales?

One tactic to solve this problem is an automated email video mini-course. It’s a mouthful but I promise you, it works!

A mini-course uses short, educational videos to engage your leads & introduce them to the benef Read More
It can be very stressful to have to worry about your competition and deal with your anxieties. Knowing who your competition is and what they are doing is critical in the success of your business. The last thing you need is to go out of business because your competition was more successful than you. Read More
It’s pretty easy to get more traffic through your Google Places listing. To be clear: I’m talking about your business listing on Google Maps. Read More

12 Actionable Techniques to Get 5 Star Reviews

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Online Marketing
From 3658 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on September 23, 2014 11:48 am
Customer reviews have the potential to make or break your business. Great reviews can give your brand credibility and lead to more loyal customers. But too many bad reviews can make customers lose interest before they even get a chance to buy from you. Read More

Spotlight: elMejorTrato Runs a Startup With No Bosses

Avatar Posted by Jed under Success Stories
From 3658 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on September 25, 2014 2:39 pm
Can a startup function without bosses? has proven that it can work. Two years ago, the tech company decided to get rid of managers and instead trusts its team to do their best work without direct superiors. Read More

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