Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Since June 30th 2014, all employees have the legal right to request flexible working from their employer. This request must be dealt with in a reasonable way by the employer, the advantages and disadvantages being considered and discussed. As an employer, your first impression may automatically be Read More
"A company’s success depends on dozens of factors, but it’s ultimately public perception that pushes one organization ahead of the rest. Customers drive companies’ success." Read More

Pacific54 Creates Killer Custom Marketing for the Web

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From 3730 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on July 13, 2014 1:20 pm
Avi Cohen and Matti Marshak were just a couple of young, hungry entrepreneurs in the big Internet jungle when they launched Pacific54. In this small business spotlight, Marshak recounts their entrepreneurial adventures including million dollar deals, aggressive marketing and learning to never take Read More
By this point, we all know social media marketing is imperative to any business. Check out these videos to see how you can use social media for lead generation and conversion in your business. For more information, check out our free ebook on the subject! Read More

When to Use Impact Data For Higher Response Rates – New Research

Avatar Posted by sumac under Management
From 3730 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on July 14, 2014 6:01 pm
According to a new research study, providing data on your nonprofit's impact will only leads to more donations if it's presented to a particular kind of donor. Find out when to use impact data and when not to. Read More

6 Reasons Why You Need a Mentor

Avatar Posted by rhettpower under Startups
From 3730 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on July 14, 2014 7:24 pm
I was talking to a young entrepreneur yesterday that I mentor and it got me thinking about when I started my first business and how valuable it would have been to have someone to ask questions. I wonder how many mistakes I could have avoided by having someone to ask advice. Yоur friеnds аnd fаmilу, Read More
It's never too early (and in fact, starts to be too late around now) to start planning your holiday marketing efforts. Read More
Have you ever found yourself explaining hashtags to someone whose only connection with the word is as a telephone button? Internet language has evolved considerably over the past few years as social media has taken off. Hashtags are a huge part of this evolution. What once was a telephone button is Read More
Have you ever found yourself explaining hashtags to someone whose only connection with the word is as a telephone button? Internet language has evolved considerably over the past few years as social media has taken off. Hashtags are a huge part of this evolution. What once was a telephone button is Read More
Are you spending a lot of time writing blog articles and getting no traffic in return? If so, you are not alone. Many people are creating great content that is really helpful to their audience. But their audience has no idea it’s there and no one is seeing or reading it. What can you do? Read More

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