Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Why would you want to join groups on LinkedIn? That’s where the gold is, my friends. Build your brand, share your expertise, build a tribe.
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Your publicity needs marketing to pull the business to you. To really get the full benefits of appearing in the media, you’ve got to market it. Here’s a starter. Read More
Every day you fight a battle. You produce amazing content only to see meagre results that are a far cry from what you were promised by the supporters of “build it and they will come”.

Every morning, you hit “publish” and eagerly wait for a comment, a share, a simple thank-you – something.

Wha Read More
Did you know that over 50% of viewers take action after watching a video? Do you have a video working for you? Don't know where to start? Start with a business profile video. Why and what is a business profile video? Read More
Content marketing isn’t exactly a new marketing tactic, but what is new, at least to many marketers, is the concept of leveraging the Internet, SEO and social media as a means of powering content -- all with the goal of driving leads and sales. Read More
There’s a site that lets you find and follow journalists on Twitter. Check out this cool (and free!) resource!

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Speaking at industry conferences can catapult you from unknown wanna-be to must-have business partner in only 90 minutes! Get started now using these four tips. Read More
DashBurst is a content creator network looking for a business savvy and passionate journalist to add to our team to line and copyedit and write articles on social media, marketing, tech, art and design. This person will also be responsible for crafting our voice and managing our overall content str Read More
DashBurst is a content creator network looking for a business savvy and passionate journalist to add to our team to line and copyedit and write articles on social media, marketing, tech, art and design. This person will also be responsible for crafting our voice and managing our overall content str Read More
This may work. Mr. Mayor, please don’t lump local Seattle franchise businesses in with big businesses. They’re not the same. That’s why I wrote this open letter to you. Read More

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