Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If your business is losing more clients than usual, or failing to win any new business, then perhaps it's time to make sure you're not making one of these four critical mistakes. Read More

6 Tips for Getting More out of Software Demos

Avatar Posted by dhennessy under Technology
From 3999 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on October 11, 2013 2:40 pm
Product demos. Some people love them, some people hate them. Whichever side of the fence you fall on, though, they are a critical part of the software evaluation process--especially if you are considering an investment in complex enterprise class software. Follow these 6 tips to get the most of your Read More

4 Ways Small Businesses Can Use Big Data

Avatar Posted by dhennessy under Strategy
From 3999 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on October 11, 2013 6:21 pm
Are small business owners too small to use big data? Not so, if they know how to best leverage it. Learn how. Read More

How to Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Avatar Posted by Ianbai under Advertising
From 4000 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on October 11, 2013 7:28 am
With the expansion of Internet-compatible mobile phones, more people today are surfing the Internet on-the-go. According to Trendwatching, if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website for your business, 60% of visitors will never give you a second chance. Have you checked how your website looks on d Read More

Top Six Tips For Business Promoters Preparing For Negotiation

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Management
From 4000 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on October 10, 2013 9:37 am
By Donncha Hughes

Negotiations is one of those everyday ‘soft’ skills which the majority of people have some experience of but have probably never studied formally. This article will look at how to prepare for negotiation. It stems from a discussion that I facilitated as part of a ‘negotiations Read More

5 Must-have Android Apps for Indian Business Managers!

Avatar Posted by freezethinker under Resources
From 4000 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on October 12, 2013 11:41 am
Android has redefined the world of mobiles; it brought smartness to the phones through apps, which were thought to be used just for calling and messaging purposes. Add to the fact that Android mobiles are available across all price-points, shapes and sizes, apps have become hugely popular concept. Read More

How Customer Service Is a Lot Like Foreplay

Avatar Posted by ShannonW under Customer Service
From 4000 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on October 12, 2013 11:42 am
Learn how giving excellent customer service can keep your customers happy, satisfied, and coming back for more with 10 easy-to-implement tips! Read More

How can I afford to write a book? Corporate sponsorship!

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Raising Capital
From 4001 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on October 9, 2013 10:24 am
Most would-be authors have never considered book sponsorship. Yet this is a creative and effective way to leverage other people’s money (usually corporations) so that you can write, publish and promote your book. Let’s look more closely at exactly how you can access this money. Read More

How to Add New Channel Partners Without Going Crazy

Avatar Posted by slaeconuslting under Human Resources
From 4002 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on October 12, 2013 11:51 am
If you want to add and ramp up new channel partners quickly and seamlessly, a PRM software system is likely to be your best option. Read More
If you are a new entrepreneur looking for networking tips, there is plenty of advice out there to choose from. But what if you are *really* not good at networking, or you just don’t like it, period? Here are four networking tips for entrepreneurs who don’t enjoy networking. Read More

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