Macromax voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What's an Entrepreneur to me?

Avatar Posted by entrepreneur under Startups
From 5987 days ago
Made Hot by: Tammy22 on March 5, 2008 10:46 pm
Snocap CEO Rusty Rueff gives an inspiring talk about why entrepreneurs have to do what they do. Read More

A True Story About a Chair

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Management
From 5989 days ago
Made Hot by: TerryJackson on March 4, 2008 12:12 am
A simple but effective way to discover the needs of your employees and customers. Patrick Schaber of The Lonely Marketer shares how a friend is using two chairs and a sign to find out what their employees are thinking. I'm putting this under the category of management, but it fits just was well in marketing. Read More

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