Maggyway voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Grant Funding for Women Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by ramkumarapp under Startups
From 4525 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on March 9, 2012 11:49 pm
The recent research by the Center for Women’s Business Research and Entrepreneur Magazine discloses that these days, more women are attending college to earn a degree to launch a non-profit organization or start a small business. This report also says that women are capable of running a business wh Read More
There are many successful women entrepreneurs today. They are the role models for many young women aspirants who want to own their own start-up. As a woman, you may have to face many challenges, including the act of balancing your family and business commitments. If it’s a start-up, then you may ha Read More
According to a survey conducted by the popular employment portal,, reveals that over 80% of all employees are actively engaged in search of other employment. Top performers are seeking greener pastures. There may be a few who are ready to quit to start their own venture. These people ar Read More
Success Through Branding

You might think that only big business needs to brand, but that’s not so. The minute you open your doors you need to begin to brand your company. You will become a brand in the eyes of the customer whether you promote yourself or not, the only difference is rather t Read More
Times have changed and it is important to keep pace with the latest developments. This is more applicable to technology adoption among small/medium businesses, who, in order to succeed, have to keep pace with the latest Internet technologies. Businesses, whether small, medium or large, are becoming Read More
There is good news for small business owners and entrepreneurs in America. Your financial planning will become a lot easier now. Yes, an online e-Guide will help you understand various financing options for your business.

SCORE, a non-profit association and premier resource for free and confiden Read More
Have you ever lost a sale and you weren’t sure why, when everything seemed to be going as it should? The key to closing a sale, has little to do with the product or price, and far more to do with whether the customer trusts you. Improve your sales by learning how to build trust with a potential cus Read More
This post refers to how software selection is rapidly evolving when evaluating cloud-based online business software. This article highlights analyst tips when evaluating online software solutions. Read More

Infographic: Boost Your Productivity, Reclaim Your Weekends

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Strategy
From 4624 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on November 29, 2011 5:06 pm
Tasks seem to take a long time, and, instead of using time in a cost-efficient manner, it gets frittered away. Before you know it, you could be working on the weekend, or working long hours when you don't want to. Use these tips to reclaim your time. Read More
This list here is the ultimate list of the Top 25 Upcoming Small Business Blogs which you should be following in 2012. The reason we call this the ultimate list is because we do not rely on some meaningless metrics or numbers to come up with this list. We all know these metrics and numbers can be m Read More

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