Marketingprofessordotcom voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It's not too difficult to be so inundated with info. that you get information overload or conflicting advice. That leads to decision paralysis. You don't know the right course of action to take, or you can wind up using good information to make bad judgment calls. Read More
Travis received a sneak peek of this update, which may be the most significant one for those interested in small business marketing automation software. Read. Learn. Connect. Read More
A review by Travis Campbell's of Lewis Howes' entire course, LinkedInfluence. Click to see his review and early immediate from what he learned. Read More
This series is pulled from a presentation given at SMX East. Part I of this serious covers the problems duplicate content creates. This post covers the causes of duplicate content, and Part III will look at the solutions you need to implement to fix your duplicate content problems. Read More
Here we are again, two years after "What I Want for Christmas from the Search Engines: The Sequel" and eight years since the original, "What I Want for Christmas from the Search Engines." I'm back with a new Christmas wish list. I smell a franchise opportunity here! Read More
Ideas for email marketers to make the most of their message as new services emerge making it harder to reach subscribers, risk being ignored, or flagged as spam. Read More
As an SEO, I understand the need to stay current with what's going on with the major search engines. But, there is a point where you start getting diminishing returns from chasing the algorithm-de-jour vs. just using solid optimization strategies to improve site performance. Read More

10 Ways to Increase Blog Readership

Avatar Posted by ronika under Marketing
From 5023 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on October 26, 2010 4:42 pm
Last week while attending BlogWorld I noticed a recurring discussion pertaining to increasing blog readership.  These discussions were part of the session Read More
Are you clearly telling your audience what you want them to do next? They don’t have to follow your request, of course, but rather than having… Read More
Travis Campbell (the MarketingProfessor)interviews Chris Lang, a leading Google expert, who offers a bold prediction on Google's social strategy along with his Top 10 Reasons why. Join in the discussion. This video is worth watching. Read More

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