Martinzwilling voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every business leader with a new technology tells me that his innovation will be industry-disrupting, meaning that it will render the existing technology obsolete, and create a new market. Yet truly disruptive innovations, like the smartphone from Apple and the rise of the Internet, are very rare, Read More
In my experience working with entrepreneurs and business leaders, I see that recent events and culture changes have changed effective business leadership from the top-down, unilateral, single-focus model to the collaborative servant model. Team members today expect and demand that their leaders be Read More
Every business owner realizes that change is now the norm, and they have to adapt their business quickly to survive and compete. In fact, the best executives seem to see breakthrough changes coming even before they really happen, and are able to turn them into huge new opportunities. In the trade, Read More
With the advent of the internet, social media, and instant communication via texting, customer expectations for service, as part of their entire customer experience, have changed. They expect you to be there, to know their history as a customer, and to treat them with priority and respect. They tel Read More
To build a new business, founders need a laser focus on providing an innovative solution to a real problem. Once they achieve that initial traction, their focus needs to change for quicker growth. Most business owners dream of achieving the exponential expansion of a Google or Amazon, but few busi Read More
As an advisor to small businesses and entrepreneurs, I too often hear the desire to be a big company. I have to remind owners that there are advantages to being small, and in fact, many large companies leaders wish their business was small again, to let them be more focused on their customer needs Read More
In my experience working for and consulting with mature businesses, almost all do a great deal of talking about the innovation work they are doing, with teams dedicated to the endeavor, and constant reassurance to boards and investors that new ideas are endemic to the organization. I have found tha Read More
One of the business ironies that many new business owners have learned the hard way in the past is that ideas which are truly disruptive carry the highest risk of failure, take the longest to gain traction, and thus are the least likely to get external funding. So some entrepreneurs stick with incr Read More
Intuitively, many business leaders and owners believe that the key to faster growth and success is more products, features, and markets. Since we all have limited resources, and can’t add more hours to the day, the result is usually more things done poorly, rather than a few key things done better Read More
It’s time for all business leaders to understand how predictive artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help grow your business, and how it can be implemented and deployed with minimal risk and maximum value returned. In my experience in large companies as well as startups, most Read More

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