MeganG voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you are a small business, Amazon's enormous inventory strategies place a large hurdle in your company's path to success. Learn how to adopt Amazon's philosophy of virtual inventory, and the obstacles that exist with such a strategy. Read More
Just as mobile payment solutions have revolutionized the market place and empowered small businesses and entrepreneurs to complete transactions just like the corporate giants, modern barcode printers and scanners gives nimble start-ups and smaller companies the power to harness the logistical advan Read More
Custom barcode labels help your company identify fixed assets and manufactured or retail products while also maintaining your individual brand. A barcode system that includes built-in, barcode design capability, allows you to generate custom barcode labels that can consist of both images and 2D bar Read More
Scanners have rendered obsolete armies of inventory control clerks, retail clerks holding up lines, and supply chain management nightmares. Read More
According to basic accounting principles, inventory and fixed assets are both treated as assets on a company’s balance sheet. As a result, many people have difficulty understanding why the business systems for managing the two types of assets must provide such different capabilities. The answer lie Read More

2D Barcode Scanners: Increased Efficiency - Wasp Buzz

Avatar Posted by BLASTanna under Technology
From 3642 days ago
Made Hot by: lucasbryan on August 6, 2014 10:11 pm
A 2D Barcode scanner can save your business time and money while avoiding costly manual data entry errors. By rapidly and accurately scanning 2D barcodes and QR codes, you can associate products, images, definitional codes, and easily load and update the status of individual inventory items. Read More
When it comes to financial management, there are a number of ratios that allow executives and managers to quickly assess the health of their businesses in a variety of areas. From measures of liquidity to monitoring accounts receivables, these ratios are important tools of proactive management team Read More
Current shopping and delivery trends have spoiled consumers. It’s no longer acceptable to wait weeks for a purchase to arrive from a company after buying. Instead, customers expect products to arrive within days. Luckily, there are resources available to help small businesses ship products to consu Read More
New entrepreneurs and those interested in asset tracking, require an in-depth understanding of various small-business expenditures; including their uses and their drawbacks. Revenue and capital expenditures are different aspects of a similar field, and those armed with the appropriate knowledge may Read More

Barcodes and the Internet of Things - @WaspBarcode

Avatar Posted by BLASTanna under Technology
From 3669 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on July 19, 2014 8:54 am
You may have heard buzz around the term Internet of Things (IoT), but do you actually know what it means? We explain what the term means, how it can benefit organizations, and how barcodes play a significant role in this technological concept. Read More

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