Megmangaroo voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As business owners, we live in fear of our customer database being hacked. In a situation where their most private information is exposed, we can expect lawsuits from our clients. But the government? Why would they be suing us, the victim, after we’ve been hacked? Well, they recently got this rig Read More
You practice and practice what you want to say. With your note cards in hand, you tell yourself that you are fully prepared. But the moment all those eyes in the audience turn on you, you just want to hide. Thankfully, this infographic provides advice about how to vanquish your public speaking fea Read More
"When should lawyers be required to reveal information that will hurt their chances in court?” Should you pass on pertinent information or should you keep quiet and allow your client to go free even though she committed the crime? What is the right thing to do legally? Read More
Where should you go to get the investment you need to take your business to the next level? Angel Investors of course. But how can you get access to these individuals when most prefer to remain anonymous? Here are 4 ways - includes lists of local individual angel investors and angel investor netwo Read More
Many of you chose to incorporate in California because that is where you live and/or operate your business. But did you know that you could choose to incorporate your business in another state? And, there are at least 3 reasons why staying in CA might be putting you at a disadvantage. Read More
How do you envision the future of your business? Do you want the ability to attract investors and buyers? How can you do to convince these people that investment in your venture will lead to a significant return on investment? Here are 3 simple steps... Read More

How To Boost Cash Flow Through Alternative Finance

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Raising Capital
From 3629 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on August 26, 2014 12:02 pm
By Mark Halstead

Cash flow concerns keep many a company director awake at night and the process of juggling payments can put huge pressure on any financial situation. There are of course many different methods of solving these issues but it’s no secret that traditional routes to finance have in Read More
Ever thought about going on Shark Tank to raise some capital for your business? In this post we break down one entrepreneur's appearance on the show. We discuss some things he did right and the one mistake that killed his chance to make a deal. Read More
It's summer time and many of us are thinking about going on vacation. But business doesn't stop just because we want to get away. If you want to hire a worker should you choose an employee or an independent contractor? The wrong choice, however will lead to penalties and fines. So, find out to e Read More
The reality is that most ventures do not qualify for venture capital and never will. According to the Small Business Administration, about 600,000 new businesses are started in the U.S. each year, and the number of startups funded by VCs was about 300. This means that the probability of an average Read More

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