Michaelwesten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The use of smartphones and devices has grown significantly over the years. In fact, traffic from mobiles devices has exceeded the traffic from desktop in2014 according to Google. More and more people have started using mobile devices to access the internet. Developing and managing different website Read More
Negativity in the workplace can lead to a lack of motivation, a drop in productivity and a direct impact on the overall culture of a brand. Could you be a contributing factor to a negative culture, even if you don’t mean to be? Read More
We live in a world full of distractions. Everywhere there are people trying to grab your attention: Facebook, twitter, text message, emails and more. Trying to stay on track can be difficult. We have developed a prioritisation decision app to help you stayed focussed. Read More
Live Webinar with Sudeep Banerjee, CEO of B3NET Inc.
Question: Are Infographics Effective in Driving Traffic? Read More
Customer identity is become the first priority of every marketers for their business. Get into the article to know why? Read More
Social media tips and tricks you probably already know but are not doing. Posting intervals and using creating your own visual content always work. Not right away though. Consistency is also the key. Read More
Knowing your way around some of the most used software in business is always going to be a positive. You’ll be able to get your tasks done efficiently and also be able to help your colleagues by providing your know-how.

Having some of the extra knowledge that even your boss may not know will be Read More

Subscription Business Trend Predictions for 2016

Avatar Posted by kimonos under Finance
From https://www.chargify.com 3112 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on January 21, 2016 9:02 am
To summarize our predictions:

*2016 will be the year of customer success
Marketing & advertising agencies shift to the subscription model

*“Surprise” subscription ecommerce offerings will slow & multiple revenue streams will emerge

*More traditional industries & billion-dollar retailers w Read More
I hear it all the time:

Info marketers complaining about low life customers who buy their digital products, download them, and then within minutes, or hours, contact support for a refund. It’s literally stealing but people do it because they know they can get away with it. Read More
Choose Keywords Wisely – Keyword research isn't dead, in fact it is going to be more important now. Search engines and users are looking for more topically optimized information rather than keyword optimized content. So don’t just sprinkle the keywords into your website, focus on topically organize Read More

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