Mobo voted on the following stories on BizSugar

10 Small-Business Bloggers To Follow In 2014

Avatar Posted by mobo under Resources
From 3871 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on December 24, 2013 8:42 am
Looking for some small business experts to follow in 2014? Here is a list of the top 10 to get you started. Read More
Does having an employee title help or hinder your business? Here are some things that you should consider when adding some titles to your employees. Read More

15 Must-Read Guidelines for Naming Your Startup

Avatar Posted by mobo under Startups
From 3896 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on November 30, 2013 9:51 am
Naming your business is too important to take lightly. Here are some great guidelines on how to get the right name. Read More

How to build a culture of appreciation in your small business

Avatar Posted by mobo under Human Resources
From 3900 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on November 26, 2013 6:13 pm
Looking for ways to show your appreciation for your employees? Here's how Mike Kappel developed a culture of appreciation in his small business starts at the top! Read More
I'm certain that most business owners — except Donald Trump — would agree that firing people is a horrible experience for everyone involved. Mr. Trump is apparently comfortable with firing people, since he even based a reality TV show on it (“The Apprentice”).

And the boss in this article tells Read More
Occasionally I am asked, “Why did you start your business?” It’s a two-fold answer: First, as with most entrepreneurs, it was in my DNA. And secondly, I didn’t want to become a zombie!

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True story: The year was 1985. I was a 20-something degreed engineer. I was single, highly-paid, and I was living a social lifestyle that kept my credit card companies happy. I was also on a career fast-track at a large international company of 44,000 employees. I was cocky and immature, but I knew Read More
1. Leaders listen Instead of waiting to speak, leaders truly listen to what their employee is saying. In order to communicate directives which will drive results, you have to really hear … Read More
Yes, there will be signs in a person’s past that signal they should start a business. Some more telling than others. Here are three signs that you have the entrepreneurial spirit in you. Read More
have successfully started five companies. But I also started businesses that were failed attempts. Through those successful and unsuccessful attempts, I have learned that there are two human traits that stand out as being the most important to starting a business and growing a business: passion an Read More

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