Mobo voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Is your business a hobby, or is it a real business? This is a question that all would-be entrepreneurs need to objectively answer. It’s one thing to start a business which is really a hobby, but starting a “real” business is something entirely different! Read More
Does your website possibly give the wrong impression of your business? It is helpful to look at your site through the eyes of... Read More
Here's something you never would think you would say, "My employee blew up a laundromat!" Lessons learned from an entrepreneur and a cautionary tale for all small businesses. Read More
Some people say that you must create a formal business plan before starting your business. That’s debatable, and frankly I disagree … unless you’re trying to raise money for your startup (to raise money, yes, you will need a formal business plan document).

startupIn either case, if you’re thinki Read More
You don’t have to be terribly smart to start a business and have it become successful. I’m living proof! I was typically a “B” student in high school and a “C” student in my college engineering classes (I put the emphasis on fun in college!). Read More
Integrity: Sometimes we wonder if it exists anywhere anymore. The news can make us so jaded that we are surprised when we hear that someone has ... Read More

How to Manage the Superstar Employee

Avatar Posted by mobo under Human Resources
From 3964 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on October 28, 2013 9:04 am
True story: I used to know this guy who was a department star. He was a guy who could get stuff done, a mover and a shaker, sometimes even a hero. In his mind, he was a Superstar. This … Read More
Does CEO Executive at YAHOO Marissa Mayer have it wrong? Can remote work arrangements really work for small business. Here is one entrepreneur's experience on how he made it work for his employees. Read More
What's the best way to get your job posting in front of top candidates? Tips and tricks for getting the most out of your job posting.
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If you're going to build a website and actually want it to be easy for people to find, you need to make sure the major search engines are aware of its existence. They don't just need to know about the main page. They need to be aware of all of the pages on your site to index them properly. Read More

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