Mobo voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Creating an effective call to action is an important part of any web design. This article addresses how websites can create great call to actions and get visitors to convert! Read More

What Are Backlinks and Why Do They Matter?

Avatar Posted by patriotsoftware under Online Marketing
From 4166 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on March 4, 2013 12:57 pm
Marketing your website effectively is complicated and difficult process. One of the best ways to draw visitors to your site is by search engine optimization. However, getting to the top of the SERPs for your site requires some attention. One way of increasing relevance in the search engine's eyes i Read More
Startup Act. 3.0 would grant thousands of entrepreneur visas to legal immigrants who currently have visas. Read More
Like many small business owners, I have too many people reporting directly to me (about 15). Taking time to conduct this many performance reviews twice a year is a problem for me. So, I designed a simple performance evaluation process that is designed to protect my time. Read more.. Read More

Why Conduct Performance Reviews Every 6 Months?

Avatar Posted by patriotsoftware under Strategy
From 4200 days ago
Made Hot by: WorkSpace on January 31, 2013 3:00 am
Even though conventional wisdom is to conduct performance reviews once every year, this busy small business owner takes time to conduct his every 6 months. Why would busy owners go through performance reviews more often than yearly? The main reason is employee retention. Read more.. Read More
If your Google ranking dipped after Penguin was unleashed, there's a good chance that your anchor text is to blame. This article covers how to handle anchor texts. Read More
While most business owners do not know what will happen when they reach retirement age, they should have a plan to deal with issues such as health insurance and financial security. Spending a little time planning your future will pay off in your golden years. Read More
Employers must report each employee's wages and withheld taxes to the Social Security Administration on a yearly basis. Form W-2/W-3 serves as an annual wage report. This article explains how to do just that. Read More
Temporary employees may be an option for small business owners who need to cover workload fluctuations. This article is excellent in discussing the pros and cons. Read More
As the economy improves many small businesses may be looking to fill staffing needs. Companies may consider using independent contractors in lieu of hiring employees. This articles discusses the pros and cons of working with freelancers and employees. Read More

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