Msmiciklas voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Shane Gibson provides some awesome insight into the fear of selling, sales as a life skill, and getting comfortable with the sales process. Read More
Is marketing EQ becoming more important than IQ? If building a successful brand depends on creating an emotional connection with your target audience, is your level of emotional intelligence as a marketer becoming as important as your ability to implement marketing tactics? As social media and online marketing continue to provide infinite acces Read More

The Search Engine Marketing Gap

Avatar Posted by msmiciklas under Online Marketing
From 5662 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 28, 2009 2:00 am
As consumers continue to use search engines as the primary tool for researching products/services and for finding solutions to their problems, are small business owners keeping pace with a commitment to search engine marketing (SEM)? Read More
Every small business, product, service or brand goes through the process of building and maintaining trust with customers, a target audience or wider stakeholder group. Essentially, an organization's behavior in a number of different areas acts as a “trust filter” - positive actions let trust flow through while negative actions block trust. Read More
New Marketing should prompt small business to re-think the way they reach their target markets. Read More

The Small Business Marketing Cycle

Avatar Posted by msmiciklas under Management
From 5680 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 8, 2009 4:20 pm
This graphic outlines 6 phases in the business cycle and provides basic advice, resources, etc for each step. Read More

4 Small Business Lessons from General Motors

Avatar Posted by msmiciklas under Management
From 5683 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 7, 2009 7:07 pm
GM recently took out an ad in the Automotive News apologizing to the public and admitting to a series of strategic errors that have led to their current state of affairs. What are some of the lessons small business could learn from GM? Read More

2009 Will Be the Year of Content Marketing...are you prepared?

Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From 5686 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 2, 2009 2:26 am
"If 2008 was the year social media went mainstream, 2009 should be the year of content marketing, the corporation as media company, the brand as publisher and broadcaster," says Junta 42 publisher Joe Pulizzi. It's true that much of what you read these days about online marketing is about using Twitter, Facebook and social sites effectively. Read More

10 Advertising Words to Avoid in 2009

Avatar Posted by wontonu under Advertising
From 5687 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 2, 2009 11:02 am
The economy, unemployment, companies folding, people losing their homes--2008 has left consumers wary of businesses. And that lack of consumer confidence requires straightforward, honest advertising messages to regain marketplace security. In 2009, perhaps more than ever, the words you use in your copywriting can determine whether you make a sale Read More
In order to retain the attention of prospects and clients visiting your small business website, the content you present needs to be organized, easy to read and search engine compatible. Writing for the web is different - Web users have limited attention spans, tending to scan pages for specific information rather than reading all content. Read More

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