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12 signs you should say NO to clients

Avatar Posted by HeatherSmithAU under Management
From 5297 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on March 29, 2010 5:29 pm
Making the decision to say no to clients is not made lightly. Do you know how to recognise when you should say no? No to an existing client, no to future income, no to potential new clients? Read More
After the end of SES New York, Bing’s developers shared with the attendees about their plans to start testing some of their new features this coming summer. One of the features mentioned is Quick Tabs where it anticipates the intent of the task that the customer wants to accomplish and provide shortcuts for activities such as weather, events, and maps.
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Saturday Sales Tip – 13 - What's The Impact

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5298 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on March 29, 2010 9:45 pm
The feature - benefit is a good start, as is the "WIIFM" approach to satisfying clients' requirements. But if you really want to succeed in selling and retaining clients you should really help clients understand the impact you can have on their business and objectives. Read More
Anthony Iannarino interviews Tom Peters on his new book, The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence. Tom talks about brand you, the little big things in sales, the value of business acumen, the politics of change management, and Twitter. (Part One) Read More
Following the two case studies that I did earlier on; Nestle’s Facebook Mess and Tiger Airways’ Selective Listening, I would like to share five lessons I’ve learnt from social media public relations disasters like them.
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From the previous case study I did on Nestle, it seems like there’s a lot more companies that are also facing similar issues on Facebook with their customers. I am not going to push the blame on the customers but it’s more of a badly mismanaged social media case from them. The user backlash on Facebook seems to be going south for Tiger Airways after a few incidents that are unfavourable.
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Provoking Fights And Revealing Your Dark Side?

Avatar Posted by waltgoshert under Online Marketing
From 5299 days ago
Made Hot by: jsternal on March 29, 2010 10:24 am
How do you balance your desire to stretch—knowing that when you do it’s not only good for you, but good for traffic and business—with not wanting to walk around with a knot in your stomach all day. Read More
Today it’s all about the subject line. You may have the most compelling, well-written small business press release. But if the subject line doesn’t capture their attention immediately and make them open the release, all that work is sitting on the curb. You can refer to the PR Toolkit for small business to find examples of other bad press releases. Read More
Kate Tammemagi, a customer service trainer at Focus Training, shares these great customer service tips to improve your phone skills. Read More

Call Your Dream Client. Now!

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5300 days ago
Made Hot by: jsternal on March 29, 2010 10:29 am
Salespeople mistakenly believe that their dream clients aren’t open to changing business partners. They mistakenly wait too long between attempts to create the relationships they need to successfully compete for their dream clients business. The root cause is call reluctance. Read More

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