Resonancesocial voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Content marketing doesn’t have to stop when your sales team takes over a lead — it can deliver benefits all the way through the sales process, and in Episode 139 of the Content Marketing Podcast, we’ll show you how. Read More
You've gotten transcripts from those videos, podcasts and other interactive media — now, what do you do with them? Check out today's Frequently Tweeted Question (FTQ) for three surprising strategies. Read More
Tune in to Episode 138 of the Content Marketing Podcast to learn the seven habits of content marketers who are rocking Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social networks. Read More
Sure, visual content marketing is fun to look at, but does it really drive results? Let's look at the numbers. Read More
Global business celebrity Jeffrey Hayzlett joins us in Episode 137 of the Content Marketing Podcast to share some gems of wisdom from his latest book, “Think Big, Act Bigger." Read More
B2B content marketers can serve many different audiences, and in Episode 136 of the Content Marketing Podcast, we talk about how to meet the needs of those segments while still serving the larger audience.

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Yes, you can build a B2B blog that connects with your audience … and converts them into customers. Check out these 3 brands that are doing just that. Read More
Ever wonder how to get guest blogging gigs on sites like The Huffington Post and Entrepreneur? Mike Fishbein has been there, done that — a lot — and on Episode 135 of the Content Marketing Podcast, he shares his secrets with us. Read More
"Sure, content marketing is all the rage on the B2C side, but does it even matter for B2B marketers?" Check out today's Frequently Tweeted Question (FTQ) slideshow for the answer. Read More
Now is the time to wrap up those projects for the fall. School is about to start and then we will all be busy wrapping up the year. Finish those B2B content marketing projects now. Read More

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