Rradice voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There is so much small business owners need to know to operate at peak performance. Luckily we live in the Information Age with plentiful resources. To help you sift through some of the data, every week we’re going to look at three business books and the lessons you can learn from reading them.
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Have you set small business goals for 2015 yet? If you haven’t, think big. I’ve been saying for a while now that the economy has revived, creating lots of opportunities for smart entrepreneurs to tap into pent-up consumer spending. Apparently, lots of small business owners agree with me.
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Email is used by audiences across the globe and companies are wise to take advantage of it. Email campaigns are much more cost-effective than traditional mailing campaigns and offer direct click-through. Today’s market is saturated with competition and advertising, making it especially important th Read More
Whether you’re a newbie entrepreneur setting up a new startup business, or a more established SME or even a large corporation, you need to boost your social media exposure to create greater awareness for your brand, products and services – and you can start with these tips. Read More
12 of the best easy-to-use/easy-to-install tools for scheduling high volume calls and appointments, recommended by young entrepreneurs. Read More

Pin This! Statistics Small Businesses Can Use To Engage On Pinterest

Pin This! Statistics Small Businesses Can Use To Engage On Pinterest - http://divahound.com Avatar Posted by divahound under Social Media
From http://divahound.com 3459 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on January 19, 2015 10:25 am
One of the hottest social networks right now is Pinterest. We’ve blogged about Pinterest before, but in case you haven’t dipped your toe into the pool of pins, here are some interesting statistics that may get you to jump in head first! Read More

Redesigning Your Website to Better Appeal to Customers

Redesigning Your Website to Better Appeal to Customers - http://www.pixelproductionsinc.com Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Marketing
From http://www.pixelproductionsinc.com 3459 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on January 16, 2015 4:20 am
Is your website as effective as it used to be?

Considering that the number of sites online has doubled in the last two years alone, chances are that it is not.

It might be time to redesign your website to better appeal to your customer.

Even the way that the search engines evaluate sites h Read More
Are you eager to tackle visual networks like Instagram, Pinterest, Vine and SnapChat, but don't know where to begin? Learn how you can conquer today's top visual marketing social networks! Read More
How can you thank your customers in a more personal, human way than automated thank you emails? Nine entrepreneurs from YEC share their simple but effective ways to show appreciation for their best customers. Read More

The Secret to Getting Your Startup Unstuck

The Secret to Getting Your Startup Unstuck  - http://www.smallbizdaily.com Avatar Posted by Rieva Lesonsky under Startups
From http://www.smallbizdaily.com 3460 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on January 15, 2015 8:58 pm
Are you struggling with a startup business that seems to be going nowhere? Perhaps you’ve been in business for a year…or two…or even three. You should be “over the hump” by now, but you’re not. Your business isn’t a failure, exactly—but it’s not a roaring success, either. What’s the problem?
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