Ruth voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are some factors that could seem silly yet play a major role in your landing page, which in turn decides the fate of your project. Find out and eliminate those mistakes. Read More
Have you ever said no to a client because they couldn’t afford your price? Do you get many enquires but they want something cheaper? if you answered yes then you could developed an effective 2 brand strategy and increase sales. Read More

Is Your Home Really Going To Be A Retirement Asset?

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Self-Development
From 4720 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on August 26, 2011 10:19 pm
It is true that your home is likely to be your biggest purchase, but it may not do to rely too heavily on your home’s equity for retirement. Read More
Offering health coverage to your employees can be vital in your efforts to recruit top people. By offering health insurance as a benefit, you can improve the quality of your business by attracting competent and productive workers. Read More
For small business owners it is imperative to stay on top of the business like a hawk. In this post we look at 5 parameters that give you early warning signs that can tell if your business is headed for trouble. Read More
Want to generate more brand awareness for your business? Allison Canty from Grasshopper tells you how to do it. Read More
Jason shares three more bad marketing examples to help us become better marketers. Can you spot what these businesses are doing wrong? Read More

Get Less Fans! Why sometimes less is more in social media

Avatar Posted by cpahor under Social Media
From 4720 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on August 26, 2011 1:04 pm
Find out why less fans and followers can actually be better for your business's social media profiles. Read More
Some smart investments can help the US economy and small business; of course, some small business loan availability would be nice. In this guest post by a business loan/business credit expert, you'll learn a lot about our economy here in the US. Read More
Thanks BizSugar for recognizing me as this week's "Contributor of the Week." I love the BizSugar community. Read More

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