Ryanhanley voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We all witnessed the absolute nightmare that occurred a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan on March 11th of 2011. The horror that the Japanese people are living currently living through is heartbreaking. The only, and I mean ONLY thing that comes from horrible tragedies such as these is to learn Read More
There are moments, days even, like today. When perseverance to always doing the right thing pays off. When a client who wouldn't have known the difference till the worst happened is properly covered for a Loss and I feel like a Stone-Cold Insurance Gangster... Read More
Attracting and retaining readership is the most fundamental point to any business blog. You are blogging to attract readers who will spend money with your business - or know someone else who might. Never forget this important aspect to your blog. It is there to make your business money, not for you Read More
If you’re lucky, writing blog posts comes naturally. Congratulations! You’re probably a talented writer who can just sit down and write whatever comes to your head. However, there are plenty of us out there who can’t really do that. Instead, we have to rely on some pre-writing strategies to help us Read More
Selling your ideas can be a tough gig. Not all mainstream ideas were quickly or readily adopted. Here's a short Dragon's Den parody to encourage you Read More
How good are you at Algebra? Don't worry I'm not going to melt your brain with Pythagoras's Theorem... Just some simple Division, Multiplication and Subtraction and we'll be able to figure out real quick how much Co-Insurance is going to ruin your day. Read More
If your Blog isn't back up do it now! I was lucky, my Blog flat lined for 7-8 hours, it could have been Social Media suicide! Read More
Have you ever lost your wordpress comments? I am sure, YES!! it could be while you are shifting your blog to a new hosting, Or it could be have been a mistake from your side while playing with the configurations. Read More
With advertising, targeting your message to a targeted audience can lead to exceptional campaign results. To that end, you should explore Facebook advertising. The Facebook platform provides you with many targeting options and extreme flexibility to continually hone your ad campaign further. Read More
Cold calling is often viewed as a "Sleazy" Salesman tactic that only newbies and those that can't cut it partake in. I adamantly disagree with this belief. I view cold call prospecting as Relationship Building. Read More

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