Samaxe voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Online lead generation is the most important process in any online business because the ROI depends on the quality of generated leads. Read More
SEO has a lot of worth in today's volatile online marketing world, but as an digital ad agency you always have some difficulties convincing your client to invest in SEO. Fortunately the stats of SEO speaks for themselves. Yes paid advertising through Adwords, Facebook or even Twitter and social med Read More
Have you noticed you’re seeing the same days-old stories when you log into Facebook? Does it seem like you’re only hearing from a few of the many pages you like?

It’s not just your imagination. And it’s not because the other pages you like haven’t been posting anything, they have. Facebook is ju Read More
@SimonCocking more here. Photograph by @DolmenDigital. Originally posted this on ITN, Interview, with Samatha Kelly, Ireland's @Tweetinggoddess. See the Tweeting Goddess site at. With a blog they say you should try and grow it for at least 12… Read More
@SimonCocking I'm not a massive boat person, but with the advent of cameras on more and more vehicles / machines / boats, it creates the opportunity to see views from around the world that we wouldn't have seen so easily otherwise. Mearsk the shipping line is putting up some great images on their f Read More

10 Free Tools to Boost Your Blog Power

Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Global
From 3538 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on November 21, 2014 1:40 am
Busting into the blogging scene is NOT easy.
Check these 10 free tools to help you boost your blog power. Read More
In days of old if you chose to have a website for your business it would have been near impossible to update without some knowledge of HTML or a degree in programming. With the introduction of Content management systems this is no longer the case. Read More
Google is aware of its importance for online entrepreneurs and it provides retailers with enough good solutions to convince them to focus their marketing strategies on Google search engine. In this article we will take a quick look at some of Google’s most interesting services for online retailers, Read More
Mobile is all the rage for the enterprise. But, surprisingly, few enterprises are able to effectively leverage mobile in acquiring or engaging their customers. Read More
If you're still managing inventory the old fashioned way, it might be time to use inventory management software as your next business strategy. As opposed to manually monitoring inventory, the software can keep you knowledge of stock levels and up to date with customer orders and tracking informati Read More

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