Sannwood voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You have heard the term “Call to Action.” You also know that your email marketing messages are supposed to contain one. But like many small business owners I have spoken with, you might be a bit fuzzy about what the term really means.
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Everything it seems can be purchased online these days thanks to the massive growth in e-commerce. But not every web store is always kitted out to be the best they can be. Read More
The modern ways and strategies of conducting and transacting business are completely different from years before. Think of this like a business decision safety net. Who wants to take risks without one of those? Read More
Think about the most successful woman you know. Chances are she’s probably very organized. You know the type – folders for every project, Post-It notes lining her desk. I’ve been a compulsive list maker my whole life. Now I’m an Emmy Award winning television producer and I’m positive that my littl Read More
Recently I sat down with Beth Buelow of The Introvert Entrepreneur to talk about "the introvert advantage" in social media. Check out our conversation to find out how "innies" can find success for our businesses in social media while still staying true to our natures. Read More

How to Make Unemployment an Opportunity

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Self-Development
From 4702 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on November 17, 2011 6:38 pm
Losing a job seems to be the height of catastrophe. And, in some cases, it really is a huge setback. However, unemployment doesn’t have to be all bad. If you plan matters right, your time unemployed can actually be of benefit to you. Read More
In a nutshell, never tweet or share anything that may be used against you or your family — to compromise your identity and/or your reputation. Read More
It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to work from home. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to get any work done while the kids are on summer vacation or if you have a toddler. Having a nanny there to care for the children while you work can really help but this, too, can pose a challenge. Read More
Startups, like babies, don’t stay small long. By their nature, they quickly move one of two ways:

1. They become bigger, by being acquired by a larger company, or through funding that allows for growth.

2. They fizzle out and die. Read More
Today, we’re happy to introduce a new Facebook integration: Facebook registration for your AWeber web forms.

Enabling Facebook registration for your web forms will automatically enter the name and email address of a visitor to your page as long as they are logged in to Facebook. Read More

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