Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

10 Essentials: The Company Brand vs. My Brand

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5408 days ago
Made Hot by: billrice on December 8, 2009 6:36 pm
The final in a series of ten posts on sales effectiveness describing the 10 essential attributes B2B sales reps must possess in order to succeed and the 10 opposing ideas that are also essential to success. This post focuses on representing the company’s brand vs. representing their own brand. Read More

7 Steps to Get the Appointment in 14 Days or Less!

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Marketing
From 5409 days ago
Made Hot by: starresults on December 8, 2009 1:33 pm
I have devised a mailing campaign that lasts for 14 days. I use it when I really need to make an impression. There are seven mailers that I send my prospect every-other-day. This two week process gives me direct access to my prospect with all future follow-ups. When I call, I am never redirected by the gate keeper. Read More

Michael Dell on Setting Business Priorities

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Strategy
From 5409 days ago
Made Hot by: PeaceNLove on December 10, 2009 5:31 am
Michael Dell talks about setting priorities, observing changes in customer behavior, and why now is probably a great time to start a company. Michael stresses on focusing on what customers want, what are the larger opportunities, and which ones fit with your capabilities. Read More
They have changed the way we buy things, find information, and communicate. A look at the most influential and inspiring entrepreneurs of the past 10 years, including Apple's Steve Jobs, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Whole Foods's John Mackey, and Martha Stewart. Read More
Many organizations want to create a sales culture but many also fail at doing so. Today’s podcast covers nine lessons around creating sales culture that I have learned while helping non-sales organizations create sales culture:

1. You need buy-in
2. It’s really about creating an opportunity culture
3. You need to reward people, that means everyone
4. “What gets inspected gets re Read More

It’s Socially Acceptable to Sell to Both Men and Women

Avatar Posted by alenmajer under Sales
From 5409 days ago
Made Hot by: SalesBlogcast on December 7, 2009 7:19 pm
It is perfectly socially and morally acceptable to sell to both men and women. No-one is going to question your taste or your moral fiber. You get to spend time with both men and women alike without even questioning your own integrity. You don’t have to choose whether you want to sell to either men or to women – based on your own personal preferences. It’s just part of the job and it’s absolutely Read More

10 Essentials: Sales Acumen vs. Business Acumen

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5409 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on December 8, 2009 2:30 pm
The ninth in a series ten posts on sales effectiveness describing the 10 essential attributes B2B sales reps must possess in order to succeed and the 10 opposing ideas that are also essential to success. This post focuses on sales acumen vs. business acumen. Read More

A Random Walk Up Sales Street – 24 - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5410 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on December 8, 2009 2:30 pm
As with all things in sales, it usually comes down to execution, no surprise that it applies to when you choose to change employers or employees. Don't make the move for the wrong reason or the wrong time. Read More

How to build your Authenticity | Talking Leadership

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From 5410 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on December 8, 2009 5:26 am
The roots of authenticity obviously begin with oneself but where it really starts to grow and become effective is in the interaction between you and others, as authenticity is largely defined by what other people see in you. So in order to develop ones authenticity it would seem that it is a combination of learning more about oneself and also more about other people. Read More

Knowing Your Business vs Knowing Your Customer's Business

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5410 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on December 7, 2009 3:33 am
The eighth in a series ten posts on sales effectiveness describing the 10 essential attributes B2B sales reps must possess in order to succeed and the 10 opposing ideas that are also essential to success. This post focuses on the B2B sales reps knowledge of their own business vs. their knowledge of their customers business. Read More

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