Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I apologize in advance for the self-centered nature of today's post. You see, this is my 400th post on the Selling to Consumers Blog. Read More
Do you want to know why some sales people are struggling? Because they are believing all the whiners, sales snipers, and so called gurus who like to “talk” sales instead of “make” sales. These “big talkers” are filling everybody's head with junk! Read More
Brad Trnavsky and Jerry Kennedy of the Sales Management 2.0 Podcast talk with Randy Illig, co-author of "Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play", to discuss the importance of creating solutions that exactly meet your clients' needs. Excellent message for all salespeople to listen to! Read More

Innovative Business Ideas And The Melting Pot

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Global
From 5457 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on October 22, 2009 7:07 am
The USA is the great melting pot of people from many cultures — and it is that melting pot factor that helps drive the innovation taking place today. In my earlier post, Five Reasons Why America Is A Great Place to Run a Business, I listed one of the success factors as follows: Read More

4 Reasons Press Releases Matter in Down Times

Avatar Posted by StepByStepMarketing under Marketing
From 5457 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on October 22, 2009 2:12 am
Mickie Kennedy, founder and CEO of eReleases, cites four strengths of press releases, a tool that should be in any company's recession survival kit for building brand awareness. Read More
Good selling and good coaching of a sales rep are not that different. In both cases you need to properly Engage-Discover-Gain commitment-Execute. Not always easy, but straight forward. Read More

How Do You Keep In Touch With Your Customers?

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 5457 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on October 22, 2009 1:20 am
There are so many ways to keep in touch and it is essential for marketing your business and brand. The question is what is the right way for your customers? What may be ideal for your business may in fact be turning your customers off? Read More
Forget about H1N1. Here's the real affliction making the rounds in the sales profession Read More
Well, all the submissions are in, 14 potential resolutions to the challenge faced by our sales team in the scenario presented. Now it's time to vote for the winner, the one you think best resolves the challenge. Come read the answers and vote. Read More

The Marketing Plan Treasure Hunt

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 5459 days ago
Made Hot by: ThomasPickering on October 21, 2009 12:24 pm
The marketing plan Treasure Hunt is when you conduct an analysis, looking for that little treasure or gem that will help you gain the edge over your competitors, attract and retain key customers and find opportunities to grow your business. Read More

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