Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I have a great strategy for exceeding your quarterly goals. Perfect it, and you'll beat your goals quarter after quarter— year after year! Read More
Any good business coach will tell you that a written business plan is critical to your success. So why do the majority of small businesses and entrepreneurs not have one? Read More
To sell or not to sell? At times sellers have to make the hard choice: do they sell a solution the client insists on even while know that it is not the right solution? Or do they make the sale and fulfill their mandate to their company? Or is selling their only or real mandate? Choose! Read More
In cross-cultural business encounters trust can become extremely personal. People will notice when you do not trust yourself at this very basic level. Read more about why it is important to trust yourself first. Read More
Cindy King is a contributor (together with Mari Smith, Jason Falls, Chris Garrett, Denise Wakeman, Casey Hibbard and Michael Stelzner) on the new online magazine with content-rich articles and videos designed to help businesses discover how to best use social media tools like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Read More
The vision people have of your company needs to be coherent. An international sales person can concentrate so much on building his personal relationship across cultures, that he loses the global picture his international client has of his company. International clients notice the confidence the international sales person has in his own company. Read More
We need a serious rethink about how we handle corporate governance. Here is why, what and how we can do that. It's important to you, me, companies, the economy and our way of life (seriously!). Read More
Don't hate your customers for it. Love them. But like parents of devious children sneaking handfuls of cookies into their beds at night, listen carefully for their footsteps outside your bedroom door. And then look for crumbs in the morning. Read More
Despite many opinions to the contrary, and the challenges and sheer volume of things sales people have to get done to succeed in today's market; many sales professionals should take comfort in the fact that they are better than most think, and there many ways that can help them sell even better. Read More
Brad, Jerry and Terri Levine discuss coaching and motivating sales teams by using effective group coaching skills and encouraging mentoring among team members. Read More

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