Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A rapidly growing industry is that of virtual assistants, also know as VAs. A virtual assistant is not an employee; he or she is self-employed. Being self-employed makes a VA an entrepreneur, a business owner. Read More
We don't have anything to pitch, but we need to meet with our customers. What do we talk to them about? We focus so much on pitching, we have not developed our skills in understanding the customer and their needs. How do we walk into customers with a blank pad of paper and a few questions. Read More
This is primarily a sales training issue, but once trained, it becomes a sales management and coaching issue. Read More
No matter what the conditions, a company can't shrink it's way to success, nor can a seller succeed with a shrinking pipeline. Read More
I'm tired of making lemonade when life gives me lemons. Reality: making lemonade with lemons is so passé. Geez, the world is full of lemonade-makers who had been given lemons. Read More
Sofas, comfy chairs, soft lighting, attractive surroundings - all in the name of a nice cup of coffee for their clients. but what can you learn from the coffee shops? Read More
Voice mail is here to stay, so instead of trying to beat it, why not use it to your advantage. Here a couple of simple ways. Read More
What if we changed the way we looked at Sales Productivity. Rather than focusing on sales related activities, let's look at non-sales related activities. It's likely we'll find tremendous time drains in those areas that can improve sales productivity. Read More

7 Simple Things You Can Do About Swine Flu

Avatar Posted by tuckerleroy under Human Resources
From 5486 days ago
Made Hot by: JanetG on September 23, 2009 1:16 pm
We may all wish that H1N1 turns out to be much ado about nothing, like the bird flu scare of 2007 — but don't count on it. Here are 7 practical things you can do in your workplace to cut down the chances of you and your employees getting the H1N1 flu. Read More
While we may not be sure that the economy is here or there, it is always a good time to invest time and a little money in your own success, here three great ways to take charge of your success. Read More

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