Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I had a reader send me an email with the following scenario and question— “I've identified a sales lead. The CEO of the fulfillment firm and the COO of the company I referred are engaged and talking. There's a good chance this lead will result in new business for the fulfillment company. My fault for not negotiating a referral fee upfront. I do ha Read More
Great actors, great athletes, great chefs, great musicians, and great salespeople usually make their performances look easy. But behind that facade are the mechanics of their professions fueling the next scene, the next quarter, the next course, the next movement, and the next sales interaction. Read More
I was recently asked to summarize the what marketers must know about social media marketing by Jay Levinson. I was about to answer him when he added a stipulation in, in 3 points, only 3 summarize what marketers must know about social media. I thought I would share with you what I shared with him: 1. It's a conversation — As marketers in the Read More
Time is the key element in success, yet the most under utilized. Changing how much and how one uses time, can change the outcome of the activity. Read More
During a selling interaction, sometimes salespeople get so wrapped up in their product or their pitch that they forget a human being is right there next to them. Read More

Lehman Bros: What Failure Felt Like | Biz Money Matters |

Avatar Posted by TonyJohnston_CNi under Management
From 5490 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on September 20, 2009 4:50 pm
Lehman Brothers, on the one year anniversary of this largest bankruptcy in US history, there are lessons to be learned from this financial system catastrophe. Here they are... Read More
A look at how our own definitions of truth, and what we consider to be truthful and honest, can effect our international business success. Different people, different cultures have different boundaries for what they consider to be truthful. Here is one way to build trust in cross-cultural communication. Read More
When there is a change to any element in your promise to an international client, you need to immediately stop and think of your international client. Usually the your best option is to immediately be honest and upfront with your international client. Here is why. Read More
For more international sales, different cultures need different marketing strategies. This is why cross-cultural marketing is marketing through segmentation. Read More
Social Media Engagement There's a lot of talk about being engaged. In particular in social media we talk about engagement as one of the key benchmarks of being a successful brand, marketer, blogger or personality online. Today's podcast is on what engagement is about. Here's a short list of what engagement is: 1. Complete listening, not Read More

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