Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Who calls a TV a "television" anymore? Or a phone a "telephone" or a fax a "facsimile?" Or who calls pants "slacks." If you do, stop. It makes you sound old. And out of it. Read More
Many sales people tend to focus on establishing a relationship with prospects who end up being their Friend but not their client. Is that a sound approach? Read More
When is it okay to push your product? Read More
The only way to know what you didn't know is to go out and do it. Read More
Why is this time of year so critical? Doyle shares 3 reasons why the next 60 days could impact your success well into next year! Read More
Every sales manager conducts funnel or pipeline reviews, but few focus on using the review as a coaching opportunity. Read More
Many of our sales and marketing strategies fail because we have the wrong focus. We develop them from the perspective of our companies and needs. If we start with the customer and work back, we can be much more effective--and it's simpler! Read More
Engaging a customer is a lot like engaging a new piece of music, the note are familiar, but it is different every time it is played. Read More

What Motivates People to Buy?

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Sales
From 5499 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on September 10, 2009 1:21 pm
What motivates people to buy? This post at talks about what makes people go for a competitor instead of you, especially if you're sure you've got the better product. It turns out looking at the quality of your product might be the wrong way to look at competitiveness. Other more basic factors may affect whether a customer g Read More

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