Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Sales professionals should emulate great doctors. We need to understand the customer's real problems, needs, goals, before we prescribe solutions. Diagnosing before solving improves the value we bring to customers. Read More
The time for the harvest has come, in sales now is the time to push forward and close the year strong. Read More
Making mistakes is part of business life, we all make them. The key is to learn from them or the best option is to avoid making them in the first place. Here are 5 common mistakes that could be stopping you from attracting your potential customers. Read More
Would other professions report the way they learned their jobs was through trial and error? Read More
So we have heard of big names like Starbucks, Dell and Whole Foods making their names even bigger on social media. We have also shown you 5 great social media campaigns and social media best practices from the giants and there are a lot that we can learn from their strategies. But are you truly convinced that social media could actually help smal Read More
Over 23,000 people in 16 European countries do. Every year (since 2001), Reader's Digest readers of different countries and languages would vote for their most trusted brands. The brands are grouped into 20 product categories that are commonly used by consumers of the surveyed countries. Read More
Follow Friday, which is better known as #followfriday or #ff is a hashtag used on Twitter set to happen every FRIDAY (duh.. otherwise why is it called Follow Friday?). It was started by Micah Baldwin to encourage people to suggest great tweeple that they think others should follow as well. Read More
If you have been thinking of marketing your brand or products using social media but have not gone about doing it, what are you waiting for? Don't ever let technology or unfamiliarity pose as a barrier to your progress. To help you get a head start on social media marketing, here are a few tips that I think is essential for success. Read More
Formal employee performance reviews are important for all employees, even commission-paid sales representatives. But can a salesperson really exceed expectations? Read More
Learning from master carpenters about sales? Tools help us become more efficient, but they are no substitute for mastery. They are dangerous if we don't use them skillfully. We can learn a lot about selling from carpenters. Read More

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