Sherisaid voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You can’t succeed in your new startup if you can’t win customers, and the new Internet-empowered customers are tough. They are in control, and they no longer care where or from whom they buy. They do have a specific purchase progression with key milestone moments that determine your win or loss out Read More
If you are going to work, then you need a neat, clean, workspace to do it. A cluttered and disorganised office can keep you from creating your best work. Read More
Have you ever thought about developing a Return on Investment or ROI model to show your clients how much money they will save by using your product or service? Read More
Many people want to write a book and maybe you’re one of them. Perhaps you don’t want to write a novel, but these fiction writing techniques can still help you improve your blog. Read More
One of the challenges of hiring temporary and seasonal employees is figuring out how to motivate them to do a good job. When this motivation is lacking, it can seriously compromise the impact and productivity of your entire company. Learn what you can do about it. Read More
As a professional blogger for two years now, I’ve actively engaged in the blogosphere and watched many writers come and go. In fact, if I had to make an educated guess, I’d venture to say that less than 10% of all blogs live to see their first birthday. Quite sad, isn’t it? So the question is why? Read More
Facebook is at it again giving Facebook Pages a makeover. Check out this comprehensive breakdown of Facebook Pages new features and how it relates to businesses. Read More
There are more and more reasons for small business owners and managers to seriously consider switching from their old desktop computers to new laptops. Read More

Promoting Your Business with Foursquare

Avatar Posted by zchatila under Online Marketing
From 4915 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on February 16, 2011 10:50 pm
Learn all about the location-based service Foursquare and how to use similar services to promote your business. Read More
Even companies serious about innovation can fall victim to their own, well-meaning creative process. Read More

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