Sherisaid voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Take Yourself Out of The Marketing Decision Game

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 4908 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on February 17, 2011 7:45 pm
Each day you make marketing decisions that affect your business and customer relationships. Making judgements based on your personal preferences rather than from a more objective basis can restrict your marketing success. A couple of tips to help. Read More
I don’t know if I Like, MyLikes anymore. This MyLikes review will let you know why I’m seriously disappointed with the service as of late. Though I have made money with MyLikes and have found numerous quality products to promote (in the past) lately my feelings have changed. Read More
Two of the most remarkable mistakes that salespeople (and lots of other people) make are giving up too soon and not having an active patience. Read More
This little company has become famous within its demographic with a “Burning Hot” Niche site that presents especially unique product demonstrations via YouTube videos. Warning: Don’t try this at home. Read More

Credit Cards Canada Urges the Goverment to Ditch the Penny

Avatar Posted by amabaie under News
From 4909 days ago
Made Hot by: clickfire on February 18, 2011 8:24 pm
Yesterday we delivered a brief to the Canadian Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty, expressing our opinion that the penny ought to be abolished here in Canada. From the brief: "It is a burden on small businesses to have to handle pennies. They take up space, are time consuming to sort and count, and Read More
New internet entrepreneurs entering the business marketplace find out quickly that the competition is fierce. Start up business fail because they neglect to “do their homework.” Read More
Few businesses have the luxury of taking on venture capital, angel investments, or other external funding when they are getting off the ground. So for the majority of entrepreneurs, bootstrapping with personal funds is the only way. Here, OPEN Forum experts share best practices and other words of w Read More
There are 6 myths that I will bust (no pun intended!) about women and influence. And here they are:

1. The White Knight Myth. This is the idea that women are only influential because of their husband, family, or others outside of themselves. Men and some women believe that this is the only ro Read More

Success Trek: Can We Ever Say “I Can’t”?

Avatar Posted by successtrek under Strategy
From 4909 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on February 23, 2011 12:34 am
Yes. Ok. Will do. These words can be trouble if they’re not used responsibly in the workplace. Today’s work environment is like none we’ve ever experienced before. Read More

The Commoditization of Content

Avatar Posted by dflin under News
From 4909 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on February 20, 2011 6:42 pm
I wrote in a recent Blog post about how content is king again. It’s true: Online media properties with fresh, relevant, updated daily content are as hot as steak sauce at a Texas barbeque festival. Venture capital companies, banks and media holding corporations are lining up, one by one, to raise t Read More

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