Sherisaid voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Fine Art of Rejecting and Trashing Your Own Blog Posts

Avatar Posted by TristanH under Social Media
From 4911 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on February 16, 2011 8:47 pm
I just spent an hour and a half working on a blog post that I eventually gave up on and deleted.

This happens to me on a weekly basis. I get an idea for something to write about, spend an hour or two trying to figure out exactly what I want to say and how to say it, write several hundred or even Read More
Discussion continues over whether too much regulation in reality hurts business and the economy. In this segment government officials quibble over how much regulation is too much. Businesses say more regulations increase costs and prevent job growth and economic growth at a time when the economy is Read More

How do government regulations impact business? (Part 1)

Avatar Posted by Small Business News under Legal
From 4912 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on February 20, 2011 4:01 am
U.S. government officials focused recently on whether some regulations are truly hurting business at a time when business and entrepreneurship is being seen as the key to economic recovery. How does government impact your business? Are you impacted negatively by regulations or is it not an issue fo Read More
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service will be looking more closely at online entrepreneurs in 2011. Be aware of this when it comes to reporting your income this year and when planning for the future. This isn't to say online small business have been avoiding paying taxes that are due. But be aware the Read More

Google (and Bing) Love Anchor Text Link Spam

Avatar Posted by Jill Whalen under Online Marketing
From 4912 days ago
Made Hot by: Sun Tzu Business Guide on February 19, 2011 9:31 pm
Jill Whalen of High Rankings wonders why Google (and Bing) allow companies who spam to show up highly in their search results for nearly any search query. Read More
No need to hide like Ferris Bueller!

Refreshing the pyschological batteries: It's a concept I learned long ago, and no doctor's note needed!

This blog post has been approved by Sigmund Freud! Read More
This story has all the ingredients of a great novel - drama, intrigue, the Chinese, hostile takeovers and a guy named Lonnie. It has shaken the world of miniature gaming, where excitement is usually imagined rather than real. And, although the details are murky, it is an excellent case study tha Read More
Nathan R Mitchell|Clutch Consulting|Small Business Coach|Motivational Speaker|Tulsa OK|Springfield MO|Dallas TX, addresses the challenges of cold calling and how to replace it altogether. Read More
It's been a week since I announced My Crazy Insane 90 Day Blog Promotion Challenge, so I thought it would be a good time to give you an update on how it's Read More
This post poses the challenging question, "How can you move your consumers closer to your brand by pinning their dreams and hopes to how they view your product or service?"...
Emotional connections are the strongest bonds there are. What are you doing to strengthen yours or your products'?

Read More

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