Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A few weeks ago I got a new cell, a Droid X, this is the best phone I have ever had. Every day I find new ways that this cell let’s me do things that Read More
John Jantsch hosts Scott Gerber for this episode of his Duct Tape Marketing Podcast. Scott has recently finished a book about never getting a real job and is a huge supporter behind the topic. His idea is to guide the young generation into the entrepreneurial field. Read More
With the year almost over, it is time to look back and consider the highlights and lowlights of 2010. It was an interesting year. Read More
It’s a long way from an entrepreneur’s “idea” to a working product with a real market and paying customers. A necessary intermediate step for proof of concept, credibility with potential investors, and communication with your team, is a working prototype. Building a prototype should be an early and Read More
Sometimes customers forfeit good quality for timeliness and/or cost. If your main value component is timeliness or cost, quality initiatives may fall to the wayside. What we often forget is how costly that can be. Read More
Here is the third part of a 3 part series. Here's how get more sales letter's opened and generate more sales leads. Read More
A panel discussion at the last RISE Lunch of 2010, featuring Chris Reimer, Erin Steinbruegge, and David Siteman Garland, on the topic of social media for entrepreneurs in 2011. Read More
As a content producer there is nothing better to see then your hard work being enjoyed by others. Whether that comes in the form of comments, retweets, or likes on Facebook, it’s just satisfying to know that your information is spreading and people are taking notice. However, not all content spread Read More
Chances are you are not Guy Kawasaki.

But that's OK. Because neither was I.

So you and I can have a real heart to heart on how to REALLY create a popular blog starting with nothing. Read More
The path of the pet software project is paved with long meetings and frustrated IT professionals. Said another way, when Marketing, Sales, Operations, Owners, Executives and Supply Chain Managers all have their own "special little system" to do their job, trying to get insightful data out to actual Read More

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