Sophia2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

6 Keys to a Satisfied Yet Successful Entrepreneur

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 4237 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on February 25, 2013 1:20 pm
It’s sad when the startup is “successful,” but the founder still feels totally unsatisfied. I see it happening all the time. The business is a winner, but the family or other relationships are broken by the stress. Or the entrepreneur started down this path to be their own boss and change the world Read More

Cut Out the Negotiating: Standardize and Publish Your Rates

Avatar Posted by OstrichCanada under Strategy
From 4237 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on February 24, 2013 12:06 am
As a buyer, do you hate negotiating prices? Always feel like the seller is ripping you off? Well, if you’re a business owner and your business negotiates service rates or product prices with your customers, how do you think they feel?

In this post, we’re going to discuss why businesses in vari Read More
Trying to grow your business, but thwarted at every turn by problems within your own organization or by external factors such as broken supply chains? For many businesses, the biggest obstacle to growth isn’t poor sales, financing or tough competition; it’s often the business itself! Here are some Read More
Facebook is the largest social network in the world today but how did it all begin? The original website was initially limited to Harvard students only, but quickly expanded to additional colleges in the Boston area, other Ivy League schools, then eventually just about every University in North Ame Read More
In Episode 7 of the Content Marketing Podcast, we help you choose the right delivery methods for your content. Read More
Has your state opted for electricity deregulation? Find out what this is and how you can use the system to help your business conserve resources and save money. Read More
In this long post, I cover 9 topics from why we need to bring back the long-lost Links page to how to create footnotes in your blog. Read More
Who could characterize the conference better than those who have already attended it? So, today I bring you the reasons to attend Affiliate Management Days in the words of those who have experienced it first-hand... Read More
There are many routes to drive traffic to your blog. Google Organic is great, but that takes time. For most bloggers social plays a key role. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus certainly have their place. However, the undisputed champion is Twitter. Twitter is so important to Bloggers and it’ Read More
In today’s era, business marketing is getting transformed with different but innovative technical aids such as dynamic trailers broadcasted on TV, SMSs related to offers and coupons, and famous apps that wrap up many commercial ads. But this is only the kick-off of much ahead progress in near futur Read More

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