Sslcresult voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you looking for ways to grow your social media followers and generate blog traffic? Read these 23 free tips and say goodbye to your social media manager. You can easily implement these social media growth hacking tips. The post focuses on Instagram photos but also offers tips on using Facebook, Read More
When you have a bunch of billionaires (with a B) deleting their Facebook pages like they're flicking the off switch, people tend to wonder, "should I do the same?" What people see, they tend to want to imitate. Before you flip your own switch, stop, and ask yourself some serious questions first. Read More
I've hosted an online community since 2004. For 13 years it was a private forum right here on my site. For the last 14 months, it's been the Business is Better Together Facebook Group. I've also hosted live events for the last five years. Read More
Successful entrepreneurs are the ones who think the most creatively, not only in their initial product or service, but more importantly all through the stages of growth from startup to maturity. But even the best of them can easily slip into some bad decision habits that limit or hurt their busines Read More
With more than 2.2 billion active members, Facebook remains one of the most widely used social media platforms out there. As an entrepreneur, this site provides value beyond a social media marketing channel for your business — you can (and should) join one of the thousands of public groups geared t Read More

What Are the Best and Worst Cities to Start a New Small Business?

Avatar Posted by jondyer under Startups
From 2347 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on April 10, 2018 1:35 pm
When starting a new business, there are several factors that can affect how successful you and your business are. With that in mind, LendingTree recently released a study ranking 50 cities on how good they were for opening a new small business. Read More

Lies, Scams And Pay For Play In Franchising

Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 2347 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 10, 2018 1:52 pm
It's hard to hide things that you don't want people to know about these days. (Thank you internet) What follows is a story about an author who "wrote" a book about franchise opportunities-and what he failed to disclose. Read More

Call for Help and Call to Action [podcast]

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 2347 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on April 10, 2018 2:35 pm
The future of podcasting is here and now! Time flies... It is now about six months since I published an episode. It is six months until the book fair in Gothenburg, Sweden. I am celebrating my name-day, with informing you about my upcoming birthday. This solo episode is a call for help, as I am ent Read More
Understanding your customer journey mapping is the first place to begin improving the ROI on advertising dollars and ultimately driving more conversions.

It takes more than just jotting down some notes and turning your data into a story. It takes a strategy and careful data curation to create th Read More
Slack has changed the modern workplace. No longer do we have to deal with the clunkiness of email for internal communications. But it doesn't stop there. You can use Slack for external communications too. In fact, you can use Slack for a whole load of different things from automation to analytics. Read More

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