Stella77 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you’re going to put them in place be very clear about what you expect. The idea behind these things is to make your life easier, not break the site, after all. Read More
You can’t succeed in business without an operational model that delivers value to customers at a reasonable price, with an underlying cost that allows you to make a profit. There are no “overrides” – for example, businesses don’t thrive just because they offer the latest technology, or because ever Read More
There's some controversy surrounding Pinterest’s Terms and Conditions but here is what you need to know to protect yourself and your business. Read More

5 Ways to Enhance Your Efforts to Start a Business

5 Ways to Enhance Your Efforts to Start a Business - Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Startups
From 4434 days ago
Made Hot by: Emma on May 19, 2012 11:34 am
Whether you start an online store, buy a franchise, or offer your services as a freelancer, it can help to take a few steps to enhance you ability to run a successful business. Here are 5 ways to enhance your situation Read More
In my last post I talked about the basics of local search — where to list your business online. Once you have your basic listings on google places, yelp, yahoo local, and bing local, you can do more to optimize your web presence for local searches. Today I’m going to discuss finding the right keywo Read More
No matter what the latest and greatest tools are in the outer areas of the wheel, your website is always the focus. Assuming that your website is a tool that you need to succeed online, shouldn’t it look good, function well and convert a visitor to a client?

Design still matters. The look of you Read More
I came across this great article the other day on The Daily SEO Blog from SEOMoz about authorship markup and how it might impact link building. Since Google looks at the quality of a link to determine its relevance and value when ranking a site in the SERPs, being able to verify the author of a lin Read More
A brief list of reasons you should be blogging. Do you own a business? Do you work for one? Boost sales by boosting followers and expertise! Read More
30 Website Secrets: Blogging - See how you can increase website traffic and get more sales with the 30 Website Secrets - Learn about Blogging here. Read More

What The Heck Is Penguin?

What The Heck Is Penguin? - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Online Marketing
From 4439 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on May 8, 2012 3:32 pm
Most people complain about Google’s algo updates, but consider that the same percentage of sites that moved down also moved up; can I hear somebody say – “ain’t that sweet!” Read More

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