Steveamiller voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In 1906 Vilfredo Pareto observed that a high percentage of land was owned by a small percentage of people. He also noted that this same small percentage of people had a similarly high percentage of the income in every society.... Read More
Good speakers and authors don't tell jokes. They tell stories. Good marketers use stories to explain their products and services. People relate to stories. Jokes are for cocktail parties. Even when presenting a marketing, or innovation, or branding talk to... Read More
Blockbuster saw Netflix coming and did nothing to defend their position. Blockbuster was the category killer of local mom-and-pop video stores, expanding to over 9000 stores at its peak. They were the VHS and DVD behemoth, but they were also... Read More

Sorry, Gary Vaynerchuk. This Time You're Wrong.

Avatar Posted by steveamiller under Social Media
From 4526 days ago
Made Hot by: Amazigamer on May 29, 2012 1:17 pm
Gary Vaynerchuk is a really smart dude. He calls himself a "self-trained wine and social media expert," and he might be. But speaking at America's Small Business Summit this week, he gave some bad and biased advice... Read More
If social media is supposed to be the greatest marketing tool since
the Harley-Davidson tattoo, then why do I feel so unfulfilled? I'm
beginning to think it might not be all it's cracked up to be.

If you are in love with the big Social Media Shiny Object, then
you Read More
Trade shows get a bad rap. For that matter, pretty much all marketing tools get a bad rap. I just returned from the 2011 AAPEX event in Las Vegas. AAPEX represents the automotive aftermarket industry and is one of the... Read More
A sales trainer walks into a room of sales reps and asks them how they build rapport and guess how they respond?

“I generally look around my prospect’s office to see what they are interested in and make conversation based on what I see”

You saw that one coming right?

Do you think that app Read More
The recent Netflix and Bank of America debacles refreshed my own painful lesson back in the Cabbage Patch Doll era. For a short time I was a wunderkind of the toy industry, until I started believing my own press releases... Read More
Sometimes I feel like a writer for comedians, talk show hosts, and Saturday Night Live during a political campaign or when Bill Clinton was president. When it comes to corporate CEOs and businesses, the jokes just seem to write themselves.... Read More
Quick, write down all the automobile brands you're aware of. I'll wait. Done? Now cross off every brand you've ever owned. How many are left? Probably quite a few. Now cross off all those cars you MIGHT consider purchasing... Read More

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