Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Less Mess = Less Stress

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From 5299 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on March 29, 2010 5:12 pm
A clean and tidy desk will reduce stress and boost good time management. Some study suggests that about 15% of our time is wasted looking for misplaced files, paperwork or that post it that you scribbled someone’s phones number or email address on. Read More
It’s not a hidden secret that link building is an essential part of SEO, but how you go about building links can make a huge difference in your organic visibility. Instead of having an in-house SEO or marketing department focused on link building, why not leverage the power of the entire company and have everyone contribute. Read More
A financial advisor uses an old school marketing technique. Financial advisors can benefit from leveraging social media to build relationships and leverage their personal brand. Read More

12 signs you should say NO to clients

Avatar Posted by HeatherSmithAU under Management
From 5299 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on March 29, 2010 5:29 pm
Making the decision to say no to clients is not made lightly. Do you know how to recognise when you should say no? No to an existing client, no to future income, no to potential new clients? Read More
Be informed: 10 essential questions to ask a bookkeeper before you hire them. It is critical for the success of your business, that the bookkeeper hired is suitably qualified, competant skilled and has the right attitude to work with you. Read More
This is the first part in a two part series on leadership and the skills needed to increase your chances of small business and startup success. Read More

Provoking Fights And Revealing Your Dark Side?

Avatar Posted by waltgoshert under Online Marketing
From 5302 days ago
Made Hot by: jsternal on March 29, 2010 10:24 am
How do you balance your desire to stretch—knowing that when you do it’s not only good for you, but good for traffic and business—with not wanting to walk around with a knot in your stomach all day. Read More
Today it’s all about the subject line. You may have the most compelling, well-written small business press release. But if the subject line doesn’t capture their attention immediately and make them open the release, all that work is sitting on the curb. You can refer to the PR Toolkit for small business to find examples of other bad press releases. Read More
Kate Tammemagi, a customer service trainer at Focus Training, shares these great customer service tips to improve your phone skills. Read More
Outsourcing, when correctly considered and controlled, can be a real bonus for your business. It must be done for the right reasons to ensure it's success and with the necessary foresight in case things go wrong. Read More

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