Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Though it kind of feels the same... In both time periods banks closed, recovery seemed long and painful, and the general country's mood was Read More
Every month, we block millions and millions of spam messages. So we thought, wouldn’t it be fun to put together an infographic all about Email Spam Facts? What it is, where is comes from and how it’s blocked. Read More
Generating opportunities – You must be GAGA!! How to stand out and get noticed. Visibility to help generate more opportunities .... Read More
We put a lot of time and effort in trying to come up with a great idea - something unique and original that will cut through and garner attention. But maybe searching for a great idea isn't such a...great idea. Maybe that great idea is just going to waste your valuable resources? Read More

Why You Should Throw Out Your Marketing Tactics and Tools

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 5304 days ago
Made Hot by: 9devon9 on March 25, 2010 1:40 pm
A lot of the focus today is on what marketing tactics and tools you should use and it is a little like one size fits all. All of them have a place, but the trick is understanding if they are right for your customers and your business. Marketing tactics should be chosen last, here are marketing tips to show you how. Read More
Is Your Ego Too Involved in Your Business?
Entrepreneurs often decide to start their own business to bolster their ego. The ego is part of self-esteem and protects you from getting hurt. But ego shouldn’t be the sole motivator to start your own business. You might think that running your own business gives you control of your destiny. But look closer- the desire to control your destiny might be Read More
Interview with David Heinemeier Hansson from 37signals and co-author of Rework on entrepreneurship, marketing and more. The business world is changing and David has some innovative ideas on how to capitalize on it. Read More
I have recently learned that hospitals are businesses, patients are clients and the human factor is key! From comprehensive intake to quality of service to "bedside-manner" to listening, to plans of action, reputation and discharge, all of the lessons and principles of succeeding in business can be found in great medical institutions! Read More
As you have more than likely already learned, the more posts you write, the better you’ll be able to understand what type of headlines and content are catching people’s attention and you’ll begin to discover your “voice”. Promoting your blog to these platforms is a bit different from the basic SEO strategy implemented within your site, so I’ll review some of the specifics to help you develop yo Read More
There is a movement underfoot to make April 16th FourSquare day...why you may ask...well for the non-nerds among you 4/16 is four and four squared. Read More

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