Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What you think is a process might be an event. Events are fun and motivating but maybe a bit frivolous and meaningless. Process is necessary and valuable but tends to be dull, boring and uninspiring. How do you get the best from both? Here's how to solve the devilish dilemma. Read More
Keynote by David Siteman Garland on an introduction to maximizing online video for entrepreneurs. Includes some easy-to-start tips and tricks. Read More

5 Factors to a Well Customized Facebook Fan Page | Marketing

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From 5312 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on March 21, 2010 11:13 am
As more people are venturing into the world of social media, Facebook has remodeled itself into fulfilling both personal and professional needs of its ever growing user base. We all know how Facebook Fan Page works strategically as a publicity tool. Read More
Want to know the secret to Attract Ideal Clients to your Local Business? It starts with Listening. Listen to understand, truly understand. You see, when you listen, dig deep, uncover and understand the problems that your Ideal Clients are tossing and turning over in their heads... You'll own your own personal Gold Mine! Read More
Being successful isn't so much about doing one thing right. It's about doing more things right than you do wrong. Read More
Combining ambitious goals with a just-do-it culture of employee empowerment is the key to fueling innovation, a group of Google employees said at their session at South by Southwest. Also important: shielding workers from distractions. Read More
A collection of 171 marketing ideas that I've put together over the years. Aimed primarily at small businesses and start-ups. Read More

5 Ways Small is Beating Big for Flagship Clients | Sales

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From 5312 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on March 16, 2010 3:38 pm
How is this possible? How are Chris Brogan and Jason Falls beating Oglivy Interactive, BBDO, Campbell-Ewald and the like for big-time interactive marketing and social media clients. How is Jeremiah Owyang and Altimeter Group beating Forrester and Gartner? Read More
When building an online marketing strategy it is not enough to consider only improving the visibility of your website through social media marketing or making your website number one in search engine rankings through search engine marketing strategies. Read More
Entrepreneurs and first-time business owners often more to do than they can cope with. These are some hints on things to focus on and some things to push down the list. Read More

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