Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Stats on social media platforms such as Twitter hitting 600 tweets per second and how Facebook grew to 400 million users are impressive, but what if we looked at Internet-related stats collectively? Jesse Thomas did exactly that through his State of the Internet video. Read More
Project reporting is a key part of any project. However, it is not the reason for being in a project and needs to be kept in perspective. Have we lost sight of what a project is really for? Read More
Are you making this common mistake with your email newsletter? It seems like everyone is. And it's a simple thing to fix. Read More
A few weeks ago Shawn Collins, co-founder of Affiliate Summit, was kind enough to send me a review copy of  Internet Marketing from the Real Experts.  This softcover book is a collection of tips from well-known Internet marketers. Read More
Be a customer for a day. If you don’t act like one of your own customers once in a while, you’re missing a great opportunity to see how your company and customer service looks from the outside.
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Social media marketing for professional services

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 5327 days ago
Made Hot by: BusyWoman on March 2, 2010 8:48 am
Some consultants might say that their clients are not online. More likely in the next 2 to 5 years most of their clients will be online. The question is, do we focus on building an online reputation now or in the future? Lead generation nowadays is much more about being found than going out and hunting. Read More
Countless studies show that satisfied customers will defect in a heartbeat if they think they can get a better deal somewhere else. In today’s marketplace, you have to create completely satisfied customers whose loyalty can’t be swayed by the competition. Joe Calloway, a partner at Engage Consulting Group, offers these tips for better customer service... Read More
Are you an entrepreneur on the hunt for some great ideas on how to do email marketing for small business? Sometimes the best ideas can be found by monitoring the online and digital marketing strategies of some of today’s leading magazine publishing groups. Read More
So you have decided to start a business, congratulations! All you need to do now is find some cash to get your new business off the ground. If this is your Read More

Sweeter Days Ahead for Small Business Owners |

Avatar Posted by ThomasPickering under Resources
From 5329 days ago
Made Hot by: PeaceNLove on February 27, 2010 8:35 am
Is there anyone better than entrepreneurs at taking lemons and transforming them into lemonade? I think it's one our best qualities. Read More

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