Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What do you like most about running your own business?  Anita received some standard answers, but this research survey report gives a ton of info you'll want to read if you work with or market to small biz owners. Read More
Taxes are an inevitable — and painful — part of every business owner's life. But there are ways to reduce, if not eliminate, your company's tax burden if you know how to use business-expense tax deductions to your advantage. Read More

6 Steps to a Rock Solid Online Reputation

Avatar Posted by taraholling under Online Marketing
From 5337 days ago
Made Hot by: omgzam on February 23, 2010 12:53 am
Anyone contemplating doing business with you will go to Google or another major search engine and research you, your key executives and your company. What they find in the search results will determine whether you have a new client/customer or whether that potential client has been driven away by negative comments and an overall negative perception of you, your company and your executives. Read More
Currently Facebook boasts somewhere in excess of 400 million users and growing. You’ve probably heard this line by now, but If it were a country it would be the third largest in the world behind China and India only. There’s a pretty good bet that some members of your ideal target customer reside in and visit Facebook land, but the trick is to find them. Read More
Don't put lipstick on a pig. Create a whole new pig and ditch the lipstick. Re-branding involves more than just a new logo. Read More
How Timothy Sykes makes 1.3 million a year via blogging and products. Tips, lessons and ideas for entrepreneurs. How to build and monetize an online community. Read More
Networking is one of those things that doesn’t come easy or natural to everyone. Who do you talk to? What do I say? How do I approach people? How long should it take? These are a few of many questions I hear about networking. Read More
With the growth of the social web it has become extremely important for companies to capture the real time stream of data being presented throughout the social networks and search engines. Learning the correct strategy for Monitoring this data has become vital to companies success. Read More
While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic (like StumbleUpon) many sites don’t have the resources that others have to get more traffic for your site. You don’t have to spend money; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site. Read More
With so many CRM solutions available on the market with different features sets and deliveries it’s impossible to say that one is better than the other for each and every business. That’s why it’s important for a company to determine ahead of time what their specific needs are and then start the selection process. Read More

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