Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Small Businesses with Big Potentials

Avatar Posted by VictoriaJones under Success Stories
From 5343 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on February 19, 2010 11:40 am
Technology Resource Center- provides technology and livelihood opportunities to sustain the lives of the Filipinos. The Technology Resource Center (TRC) is inviting aspiring Filipino entrepreneurs to start making their dream business come true this July. Read More
How about taking Valentine's Day as an opportunity to create a positive client relationship that can possibly last through the years? Read More
Over the past few years I have collected a few thoughts and observations regarding business practices I wish would simply just go away. Read More
The news in 2009 was dominated by the gloomy economy, as small business entrepreneurs hunkered down to weather the downturn. Looking forward to 2010, it won’t rain money, but there are still some glimmers of a recovery. Read More
Campaigning for the Small Business Plan that he announced during the State of the Union, Obama has been stressing the need for Read More

It Takes a Village « Flying Pig Communications

Avatar Posted by lkpetrolino under Public Relations
From 5344 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 12, 2010 12:44 am
How to build key community relationships to maximize your business's outreach! Read More

Fan Bi: How to Build Advisor Relationships | Greenhorn Connect

Avatar Posted by blanklabel under Startups
From 5344 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on February 12, 2010 7:52 am
Seek a lot of advice
DON'T Form a Board of Advisers
Seek different advisers for different areas
DON'T look for the top-level execs all the time Read More

5 Fundamental Principles for Constructing That Winning Resume

Avatar Posted by yoni67 under Marketing
From 5344 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on February 12, 2010 12:35 am
When it comes to crafting your resume, it is essential to remember the old saying "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." With each job-opening bringing hundreds of applicants, your resume can easily be the deal-maker or deal-breaker. Here are my 5 fundamental principles for constructing the perfect resume. Read More

How to Select an ePublishing Supplier

Avatar Posted by yudumedia under Technology
From 5344 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on February 11, 2010 9:24 pm
With so many professional ePublishing suppliers to choose from, how do you know which one to select? We’ve pubilshed a free whitepaper that highlights the eight key questions you need to ask to give you a clear indication of the size, scope and experience of your prospective supplier, as well as quality of their technology. Read More
When potential customers are waving buying your product or service or wanting a refund what do you do? Do you engage in a dialogue to understand what the problem is or do you just give them the refund? This is a story how one company tipped the balance in their favour and gained a very happy customer. It all started with a simple email. Read More

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