Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Top 10 Ways Retailers Can Sell More This Holiday Season Even though Black Friday has come and gone, there is still time for retailers to increase their chances of having a good holiday shopping season. Here are ten things you can do to boost your holiday sales in the remaining days before Christmas. Read More
I often come across entrepreneurs and small business owners who say that they see the importance of using social media in building their businesses, but they feel overwhelmed with the time commitment involved. They often think that it takes hours of time to maintain their profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter etc…but it can be done as little as 10 minutes a day with a few small business so Read More

Do I Need a Business Lawyer for My Small Business?

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Legal
From 5401 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 17, 2009 5:46 am
For most businesspeople, deciding whether to call an attorney should be like deciding whether to go to the doctor. If you have severe chest pain, odds are you're not going to hesitate to call your physician or hightail it to the emergency room. But if you just have a bad cold, you might wait a few days to see if it turns into pneumonia before you drag yourself to the dreaded doctor's office. Read More
Product promotion strategies you can use online to get your business a buzz, also open 24 hours because it`ll be on the internet. Read More

Small Business Embraces Wi-Fi

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Technology
From 5401 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 17, 2009 4:04 am
Small business is embracing Wi-Fi technology, owing to the added productivity gains possible. There are still technical draw backs but at many small businesses these do not out weigh the benefits. In the following article from BizTech, we learn more about the spread of Wi-Fi amongst small businesses and about the importance it has played in their development. Enjoy! Read More
An effective marketing strategy is the most important marketing consideration your small business can employ. Bar none it’s the difference between companies that get by and those that get buy. Read More

7 Ways To Bolster Security: Rule One - Minimal Is Best

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Resources
From 5402 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 16, 2009 2:20 am
Chris Drake, founder and CEO of webhost, FireHost offers these very simple tips, based on two aspects: physical security and virtual security. Read More

Are Maternity Laws Making Women Less Desirable Employees?

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Human Resources
From 5402 days ago
Made Hot by: nialldevitt on December 16, 2009 2:20 am
A recent provocative article in Mail Online by British Vogue editor Alexandra Shulman, raises a loaded question: are mother's rights making women unemployable? Read More
How do companies inspire only 29% of their employees to care? Here's 3 easy ways. They must be easy as so many companies do them. Now, if you want to inspire 71% of your employees to care...there are 3 easy ways listed, too. Read More
One headache constantly facing small business owners is the ability to motivate employees and get the most out of them. Often times many entrepreneurs feel the need to have a degree in psychology in knowing which buttons to push. Read More

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