Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

50 Ways to Foster a Culture of Innovation

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Strategy
From 5402 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 16, 2009 7:25 am
As your organization gears up for 2010, here are 50 ways to ensure that it's culture is conducive to innovation. Commit to a few of these today and begin to work your magic. Read More

75 Best Business Blogs of 2009

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Resources
From 5402 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 16, 2009 6:47 am
This year’s 75 Best Business Blogs cover a variety of categories, from accounting to SEO. Those we selected have useful and timely content. They’re updated regularly. Their commentary, analysis, and tips are consistently relevant to their target audience. Most importantly, they’re some of the highest-quality blogs in their respective fields. Read More
Whether we like it or not, business these days revolves around the use of credit or debit accounts and if you're involved in e-commerce you have to address this situation. Read More
I’ve added a weekend post routine that I hope you enjoy. Each weekend I write a post that features 3-4 things I read during the week that I found interesting. Generally speaking it won’t involve much analysis and may range widely in topic. (Flickr image included here is also fav image of the week) Read More
Producing great content as a lead generation play is only part of the deal for most marketers. You also want and need to make certain that plenty of Read More
For those who have watched Burger King’s shower babe video, I wonder what you guys think about it. Read More

Free webinar: Trigger Events or how to find your next customer

Avatar Posted by alenmajer under Sales
From 5403 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on December 15, 2009 8:37 pm
In this free teleseminar we will not only answers these fundamental questions and eliminate cold calling altogether, we will also show you a set of tools that creates the ability to appear in front of a customer with precise knowledge of the customer’s needs - at exactly the time (or even before) the needs are realized by the customer.

By learning where to find and how to use trigger events, c Read More

5 Proven Ways to Recruit Successful Salespeople

Avatar Posted by StepByStepMarketing under Marketing
From 5403 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 15, 2009 7:24 am
While every company may have its own unique process of selling, hiring the right people to do the selling is essential. Here are 5 helpful sales management techniques. Read More
Does a blank screen give you the shivers? Do you dread writing projects? That dread leads to a lot of time-wasting procrastination. If you’re like most people, first you clean your desk, confirm appointments, check e-mail—anything but start that marketing proposal, web copy or blog. Read More
In this article Dharmesh Shah, founder of Hubspot, offers 8 tips for how to price a software service. Some of them are obvious advice, such as the more differentiated you are, the more Read More

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