Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Firefox Small Business Add-on Collection

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Resources
From 5586 days ago
Made Hot by: VijayGES on June 13, 2009 12:35 pm
Today I would like to introduce the Ultimate Small Business Collection. This is a hand picked group of 12 add-ons that I personally use to enhance the Firefox browser for my small business activity. You can download and install the entire collection with one button and find ways to better bookmark, participate socially, automate repetitive tasks a Read More

Small Businesses and Health-Care Reform

Avatar Posted by BizBox under News
From 5586 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 15, 2009 2:49 am
BizBox lays out what health-care reform would mean for small businesses--namely, hundreds of billions of saved dollars. Read More

Tips For Overcoming Setbacks

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Management
From 5586 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 15, 2009 12:47 am
We all know how rewarding owning your own business can be. The challenges are exhilarating, the success deeply satisfying. But what if you hit a major obstacle that is a defining point of whether your business succeeds or fails? Can you overcome a setback, be it a financial dilemma or a major business crisis? Read More

In the Shadow of Giants: Small Company Advantages

Avatar Posted by q4sales under Success Stories
From 5586 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 15, 2009 2:34 am
Short overview with links to great niches served by nimble small businesses (but getting bigger). Read More

Building a Steady Flow of Customers

Avatar Posted by Colly under Sales
From 5587 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 15, 2009 10:32 pm
Colly Graham a leading sales trainer and owner of salesxcellence replies: The first step in finding customers is to identify your target market. Know the key drivers that will stimulate action in your prospective customers. Establish a profile of your customers and determine why they buy. Ask yourself the following questions: What problems do yo Read More
A brief survey of the terms computational marketing, algorithmic marketing, and marketing engineering. Read More

How to Win Tech Evangelists and Influence Decision Makers

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Technology
From 5587 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 17, 2009 7:21 am
Users will always push back “irrationally” on any new tech initiative. It's up to you to show them the light. Fortunately—or unfortunately, depending on how long you've been a CTO/CIO—you don't need a cattle prod to get users on your side. Read More

How to Build Your Business Credit Rating

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Finance
From 5587 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 15, 2009 12:55 pm
Having a good business credit rating is a golden key that can help open the doors of financing- whether from the bank, vendors and suppliers, or potential investors. And with the current economic environment making it harder for small businesses to get the financing they need, this key is all the more vital to the success of a business. Read More

Is Twitter for Serious Marketers?

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Online Marketing
From 5587 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 17, 2009 7:21 am
Do serious marketers spend a lot of time and energy on Twitter campaigns? I doubt it. Sure, go ahead and play around with it — it doesn't cost much. But I defy you to do serious brand management in 140-character messages. I defy you to prove that Twitter users are your typical customer — unless you sell bubble tea or something similar — or that t Read More
Luther Lowe, Manager of Local Business Outreach for Yelp, joins host Steve Rucinski, to share the many tools small business owners have at their disposal on Yelp to put your business's best foot forward - all while managing your time and your online presence wisely. Read More

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