Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

For businesses that use Square to process payments, Square Card takes the business debit card to the next level and represents a smart option for business owners seeking an easy, straightforward way to manage cash flow. Read More
Your computers and devices are the lifeblood of your small business — your company uses them to communicate with vendors, clients, make critical business decisions, and hold your trade secrets. That’s why you can’t afford to make any of the following cybersecurity mistakes. Read More
Work as we know it has undeniably changed and most businesses have had to adapt to working remotely. However, with the future still unclear, it’s important to adjust your business to fit working remotely indefinitely, returning to work, or a mix of both. Read More

Team Collaboration - The Importance of Meetings

Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Management
From 1436 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on August 26, 2020 8:44 am
Team Collaboration – The Importance of Meetings

Meetings, most of us immediately think, “waste of time”, but team collaboration is essential for any business organization and the importance of meetings can’t be discarded. Read More
Expert Brené Brown shows why leaders need to be vulnerable every minute of every day; how there is no courage without vulnerability as a leader. Read More
Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dallas Mavericks owner, Shark Tank judge, and famed investor and entrepreneur, Mark Cuban. Cuban has been a champion for small and medium businesses (SMBs), personally answering questions on LinkedIn and Twitter, sharing expert tips, and even encouraging Read More
Empathy is powerful. The ability to put yourself in another’s shoes to better understand their situation and point of view can build connection and trust. Here are four ways to use the power of digital marketing to engage empathetically with customers. Read More
If your small business wants to attract and retain a dedicated and loyal workforce, prioritize learning. Can small businesses really afford to offer the kinds of growth and development today’s workforce wants? Yes! Here are three ways to turn education into a top employee benefit. Read More
You don’t have to be a large enterprise to practice sustainability. SMBs can certainly make a difference when it comes to helping the planet and it starts with creating a sustainability plan to guide your operations. Read More

How to Build a Sales Team for Your Small Business

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Management
From 1570 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on April 12, 2020 12:06 pm
The people you hire for your sales team should be natural customer advocates who can expertly guide your prospects to the finish line. Here are three ways to make sure you choose the right people. Read More

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