Swarmcontent voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Comprehensive list of top 20 project management and collaboration software solutions. Read, compare and decide which one suits your needs the best.
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Is the Hotel customer satisfied only because expectations are so low, and no one is doing better?

In today’s markets, it is not enough for Hotels to just satisfy the customer, you have to identify new ways to optimize and think above and beyond customer expectations. Even if your Hotels is 2-sta Read More
If your once valued customers haven’t made an appearance recently, there probably isn’t a great mystery at all. The reason might be a very simple one. So, while they may have been abducted by aliens, the answer is probably a lot more straightforward. And as Holmes himself would usually utter, quite Read More

Like a seesaw. Like the waves of the ocean. Up and down,

Okay, terrible examples, but you know where I’m going with this. Motivation is never constant. One day you’re motivated to hit the gym hard or finish off that assignment you’ve been telling yourself to finish since last year Read More
In order to retain top talent and influence a positive employee morale, every organization needs a comprehensive onboarding strategy. From the perspective of your new employee, the onboarding process is their real first impression of your company. It is essential to make it a good one.

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Advertising world is bound to see major upheavals in digital marketing trends. The trends are going to break all the limiting boundaries and build up an adventurous journey for the marketers. Read More
Like other arts and concepts that evolve through time, the field of graphic design also presents new trends and shifts that business owners and digital marketers alike should be aware of every year. To help you get started with these shifts, we detail in this infographic the top trends in graphic d Read More
Congratulations, you just signed up for a trial with Userlane! You’ve made the best decision in the world. You just invested in your customers and their success.

But how can you be sure you’ll achieve your goals? How can you feel confident about the fact that you’ll be creating the best UX for y Read More

The Best and Worst Branding of 2018

The Best and Worst Branding of 2018 - https://www.crowdspring.com Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From https://www.crowdspring.com 1972 days ago
Made Hot by: peteyb on January 31, 2019 4:29 pm
In 2018, we saw some terrific examples of strong branding. But we also saw many terrible branding mistakes that could have been avoided. Here's a good look at the best and worst branding of 2018, and tips on how to create a successful brand experience for your own business in 2019. Read More
If you listen primarily to the popular press, you could easily be convinced that all successful startup businesses are built by one smart person, such as Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook, or Jeff Bezos at Amazon. In reality, it takes a collaboration of many good people to build and run a business, even Read More

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