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Messenger bots may be the best-kept secret in digital marketing today. Some experts say that Facebook marketing chatbots are the number 1 growth marketing channel for the next 5 to 10 years. Here is is a comprehensive guide to Facebook Messenger Marketing using chatbots. Read More
Using hashtags effectively for business marketing means doing more than just plugging them into your tweets on Twitter or posts on Instagram, Facebook or another social network. Here’s what you need to know to use hashtag marketing better as part of your overall small business marketing strategy. Read More

4 Examples of Gamification in the Workplace

4 Examples of Gamification in the Workplace - https://www.onaplatterofgold.com Avatar Posted by AdeyemiAdisa under Technology
From https://www.onaplatterofgold.com 2088 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on October 12, 2018 9:58 am
Modern workplaces are now incorporating gamification into their best practices because gamification has the potential to boost employee engagement and productivity. Here are 4 examples of gamification at the workplace Read More
Tactical Employee Retention Strategies to Reduce Staff Turnover.

While some attrition is natural in any business, an increase in departures will certainly raise eyebrows both internally and externally.

In this article, I will cover the main reasons for high employee turnover and what you can Read More
The problem with software adoption is connected to the knowledge transfer cycle and can affect both a) software vendors directly or b) implementation teams and instructional designers who introduce a new application. Read More
Read this post to find out what a full stack marketer is, why you might need one, and how to become one. Read More
How to quickly get your Facebook boosted post approved sometimes can be tricky. Writing Facebook posts come naturally to many people for their personal pages. However, there comes a time when you may post something, and you may want to edit it on your business page. If it’s already boosted you may Read More
Given that 76% of millennials believe that professional development opportunities are one of the most important elements of company culture, it is not a surprise that modern companies have shown more interest in staff training and internal employee development. Read More
Customer Experience and Customer Success. Are they one in the same or are they two separate issues you need to tackle?

To better explain, let’s think back to 1971, when the first Starbucks opened in Seattle. At this point in time, Apollo 14 was launched to the moon, bell bottoms were storming th Read More
Facebook has more than 2.2 billion monthly active users, making it a great place for businesses to reach consumers. Your business probably already has a Facebook page, but changes to the platform’s algorithm over the past few years has made it increasingly difficult to reach people organically. Luc Read More

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